Updates |
Update for November 26, 2015: All deadlines related to Personal Credits have now passed. In order to be considered, applications had to have been received post-marked by March 9, 2015, and Redemption Forms had to have been received post-marked by June 8, 2015. The next update will follow as needed.
Update for March 4, 2015: The deadline for CEP Recipients to submit a Personal Credits Acknowledgement form is post marked by March 9th, 2015 in the province or territory where you reside. If you submit an Acknowledgement form that is postmarked after March 9th, 2015, it will be considered late and most likely will be rejected. If you have already submitted an Acknowledgement form previously, you do not have to submit another one. This deadline applies to CEP Recipients who have not submitted an Acknowledgement form as of yet. The Redemption form deadline is not until June 8th, 2015. If you are unsure, please contact the Personal Credits Information Line to double check. To request an Acknowledgement form, please contact the Personal Credits Information Line at 1-866-343-1858, TTY-1877-627-7027. Blank acknowledgement forms are only being sent out by email or fax at this point because the deadline is so close. If you request to have an Acknowledgement form be sent by email, please ensure that your inbox has at least 2 MB of space available. If you request to have an Acknowledgement form be sent via fax, please ensure that your fax machine is available 24 hours a day 7 days per week in order to receive your transmission successfully. Acknowledgement forms may be returned to the Administrator: By mail to: Post marked by March 9th, 2015 to Personal Credits Administrator, Suite 3 – 505, 133 Weber St N Waterloo, ON N2J 3G9 By fax to: Transmitted as of 11:59:59 PM in your time zone on March 9th, 2015 to 1-888-842-1332 Please be aware that the peak time for the highest volume of fax transmissions is between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Please retain the fax confirmation sheet as confirmation of the successful transmission of your Acknowledgement form to the Administrator. By email to: Transmitted as of 11:59:59 PM in your time zone on March 9th, 2015 to IRSPersonalCredits@crawco.ca. Please retain the email confirmation reply from the Administrator as confirmation of the successful transmission of your Acknowledgement form to the Administrator. Please only send one copy of your completed form to the Administrator. Sending duplicate copies may delay the processing of your form. The next status update will be available on March 11, 2015.
Update for February 25, 2015: The deadline for submitting Acknowledgement forms is postmarked no later than 11:59:59 p.m. in your time zone on March 9, 2015. Acknowledgement forms may be returned to the Administrator: By mail postmarked no later than March 9, 2015 to: Personal Credits Administrator, Suite 3 – 505, 133 Weber St N Waterloo, ON N2J 3G9 By fax with a transmission date of no later than 11:59:59 p.m. on March 9, 2015 in your time zone to: Facsimile: 1-88-342-1332 By email with an email transmission date of no later than 11:59:59 p.m. on March 9, 2015 in your time zone to: mail: IRSPersonalCredtis@crawco.ca Please be advised you only need to submit your Acknowledgement form once. Duplicate copies are not required and will only slow down the evaluation process. The next statues update will be available on March 4, 2015.
Update for February 11, 2015: To apply for Personal Credits on behalf of a former student who is either deceased or an incapable person, you must be a legally recognized representative of that person. You must provide proof of your authority to act as a Personal Representative of the CEP Recipient. Please provide a certified true copy of the legal documentation that allows you to represent the former student (e.g. Power of Attorney, Non-Probated Will, Letters of Administration, Letters of Probate, Probated Will). The legal documentation should clearly state, in detail, what powers the representative has and how they are to be executed. Identification documents are also required and must also follow certain criteria to be acceptable. If you have questions, please contact the Personal Credits Administrator in writing (see above) or by calling The next status update will be available on February 25th, 2015.
Update for January 28, 2015: You may not change who you have chosen to give your Personal Credits to except in the event of death or disability of the family member prior to the submission of the Personal Credits Redemption form to the Agent of the Trustee, in which case, the Personal Credits may be transferred back to the CEP Recipient. Disability means sever, sustained mental or physical incapacity, as evidenced by a medical certificate signed by a licensed physician. Otherwise, you may change where you or your family members are choosing to use the Personal Credits if the course, program or group education service is not longer available. Only the CEP Recipient may request a change to where the Personal Credits can be used. If you have questions, please contact the Personal Credits Information Line at 1-866-343-1858 or TYY at 1-877-627-7027. The next status update will be available on February 11, 2015.
Update for January 21, 2015: Personal Credits may be transferred to family members who meet the definition of family member as defined in the Terms and Conditions. Eligible Family Members include: (i) the spouse, child*, grandchild, parent, grandparent or sibling of a CEP Recipient; (ii) the spouse of a child*, grandchild, parent, grandparent or sibling of CEP Recipient; (iii) a former spouse of a CEP Recipient; (iv) a child or other lineal descendant of a grandchild of a CEP Recipient; (v) a person of the same or opposite sex to a CEP Recipient who cohabitated for a period of at least one year with that CEP Recipient immediately before his or her death; (vi) a person of the same or opposite sex to a CEP Recipient who was cohabitating with that CEP Recipient at the date of his or her death and to whom that CEP Recipient was providing support or was under a legal obligation to provide support on the date of his or her death; (vii) any other person to whom a CEP Recipient was providing support for a period of at least three years immediately prior to his or her death; (viii) a person of the same or opposite sex to a CEP Recipient who cohabitated for a period of at least one year with that CEP Recipient immediately before the CEP Recipient delivered a Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form to the Agent of the Trustee; (ix) a person of the same or opposite sex to a CEP Recipient who was cohabitating with that CEP Recipient immediately before the CEP Recipient delivered a Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form to the Agent of the Trustee and to whom that CEP Recipient was providing support or was under a legal obligation to provide support; and (x) any other person to whom a CEP Recipient was providing support for a period of at least three years immediately prior to delivering a Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form to the Agent of the Trustee. *child includes a child adopted pursuant to, or recognized by, federal/provincial/territorial laws or by custom adoption. If you have questions, please contact the Personal Credits Information Line at 1-866-343-1858 or TYY at 1-877-627-7027. The next status update will be available on January 28, 2015.
Update for January 14, 2015:
The deadline for CEP recipients to submit a Personal Credits Acknowledgement form has been extended: postmarked by March 9, 2015.
The next status update will be available January 21, 2015.
Update for December 17, 2014: On December 17, 2014, the Supreme Court of British Columbia approved an extension to the deadlines for Personal Credits. The new deadlines will be determined based on when the official Court order is completed. Acknowledgment Forms will be due two months following the date of the Court order, while Redemption Forms will be due five months from that same date. The deadline to complete courses will also be extended to August 31, 2015. Further communications will take place once the new deadlines have been confirmed by the Court. For more information, click here. The next status update will be available January 7, 2015.
Update for November 27, 2014: On November 17, 2014, the Supreme Court of British Columbia issued an Interim Consent Order. The interim order indicates that Crawford Class Actions Services, acting as Agent for Canada, shall continue to receive and process applications for Personal Credits in accordance with the terms and conditions for Personal Credits previously approved by the Court on October 31, 2013, pending any further direction from the Court. This means that until a final decision is made, eligible Common Experience Payment recipients and their family members may continue to submit applications for Personal Credits. The next status update will be on December 3, 2014
Update for November 19th, 2014: There are no new updates since our last report. The next status update will be available on November 26th, 2014.
Update for November 12: When you receive your Personal Credits Redemption form, please read the instructions carefully. The attendee must sign and date Section B. In the case of minors, please have both the minor and his or her parent/guardian sign Section B. The representative of the Education Entity or Group Educational Service must complete, sign and date Section C. The Education Entity or Group Educational Service must also provide a detailed invoice along with the Redemption form. Please note that cheques will only be issued to the Education Entity or Group Educational Services and not to the CEP Recipient, his or her Personal Representative, or his or her family members. Incomplete information may lead to the Personal Credits Redemption form being delayed or denied. The deadline to submit completed redemption forms is postmarked no later than December 1st, 2014 unless the Court approves an extension. The next status update will be available on November 19, 2014.
Update for November 5, 2014: Personal Credits: Due to a significant influx of claims right before the deadline, the Personal Credits Administrator is unable to provide specific timelines regarding the processing of your file at this time; however, we can assure you that we are working diligently. All forms are being processed in order received. Subsequently, please allow 7 business days (since submitting your Acknowledgement Form) before contacting the Personal Credits Administrator for a status update. The Acknowledgement Form deadline remains postmarked by October 31, 2014. Any Acknowledgement forms returned postmarked after October 31, 2014 will be deemed as received late unless a court approved change occurs. You may request an Acknowledgement form by email or by fax.
IAP: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat is accepting proposal for Group IAP, for more information please click here: http://www.iap-pei.ca/media-room/media-eng.php?act=2014-10-09-eng.php. The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat is seeking one or more Aboriginal stakeholder organizations to deliver a National Stakeholder Engagement Strategy, for more information please click here: http://www.iap-pei.ca/information/information-eng.php. The next status update will be available on November 12, 2014.
Update for October 29, 2014: The deadline for submitting Acknowledgement forms is postmarked no later than 11:59:59 p.m. in your time zone on October 31, 2014. Acknowledgement forms may be returned to the Administrator: By mail postmarked no later than October 31, 2014 to: Personal Credits Administrator, Suite 3 – 505, 133 Weber St N Waterloo, ON N2J 3G9
By fax with a transmission date of no later than 11:59:59 p.m. on October 31, 2014 in your time zone to: Facsimile: 1-888-842-1332 Please be aware that the peak time for the highest volume of fax transmissions is between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time. If on October 31, 2014, you experience technical difficulties with successfully transmitting your Acknowledgement form to the Administrator, you must retain a paper copy of all transmission attempts made on October 31, 2014 and submit with your successful transmission.
By email with an email transmission date of no later than 11:59:59 p.m. on October 31, 2014 in your time zone to: Email: IRSPersonalCredits@crawco.ca You must retain the reply email that confirms receipt of your email transmission.
The next status update will be available on November 5, 2014.
Update for October 22, 2014: If you are a CEP Recipient, or a personal representative of a CEP recipient who is deceased, and you have not received your Personal Credits Information package, you may request one by contacting the Administrator:
Please tell us how you wish to receive it (example, by email, fax, or mail). The form will be sent out to you within 48 business hours. The deadline for submitting Acknowledgement forms is postmarked no later than October 31, 2014. The next status update will be available on October 29, 2014.
Update for October 15, 2014: In regard to Personal Credits: A “Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form” may be submitted by a personal representative of the estate of a Common Experience Payment recipient who is deceased. Personal representatives include, if a person is deceased, an executor, administrator, estate trustee, trustee or liquidator of the deceased. You must provide proof of your legal authority to act as a personal representative of the Common Experience Payment recipient which includes a certified true copy of: authority to act, court order, probated will, other documentation or an un-probated will that is valid in accordance with provincial/territorial law. Requirements for a valid will varies between each province/territory. For more information, please call the Personal Credits Help Desk toll free at 1-866-343-1858 or 1-877-627-7027 (TTY). The next status update will be available on October 22, 2014.
Update for October 8, 2014: Any person who receives a Common Experience Payment is eligible to receive Personal Credits. You may request a new Acknowledgement form or Redemption form by:
Please tell us what form you wish to receive and how you wish to receive it (example, by email, fax, or mail). The requested form will be sent out to you within 48 business hours. You may also call 1-866-343-1858 or 1-877-627-7027 (TTY). The deadline for submitting Acknowledgement forms is postmarked no later than October 31, 2014. The next status update will be available on October 15, 2014.
Update for October 1, 2014: Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form – Information Required If you have received a letter asking you for additional information it is very important that you contact the Personal Credits Administrator within 30 days of receiving the letter. However, if you missed your thirty day response window, it is not too late. You may still provide the missing information postmarked by October 31, 2014 to the Personal Credits Administrator. Please provide the Personal Credits Administrator with the missing or incomplete information by:
Please write your name and CEP Transaction ID on all documents that you send to us. The next status update will be available on October 8, 2014.
Update for September 24, 2014 You may request a new Acknowledgement form or Redemption form by: Emailing: IRSPersonalCredits@crawco.ca Faxing: 1-888-842-1332 Mailing: Personal Credits Administrator Suite 3, 505-133 Weber St N, Waterloo, ON N2J 3G9 Please tell us what form you wish to receive and how you wish to receive it (example, by email, fax, or mail). The requested form will be sent out to you within 48 business hours. You may also call 1-866-343-1858 or 1-877-627-7027 (TTY). The deadline for submitting Acknowledgement forms is postmarked no later than October 31, 2014. The next status update will be available on October1, 2014.
Update for September 17, 2014: Personal Credits Important Deadlines: Deadline to submit your Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form: postmarked by October 31, 2014. The next status update will be available on September 24, 2014.
Update for September 10, 2014 Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form – Information Required If you have received a letter in the mail asking for additional information it is very important that you contact the Personal Credits Administrator as soon as possible. Please provide the Personal Credits Administrator with the missing or incomplete information by:
Please write your name and CEP Transaction ID on all documents that you send to us. IMPORTANT If you do not provide the missing information postmarked by October 31, 2014, then your file will be closed. If your file is closed, then the value of your Personal Credits will remain in the CEP Trust Fund and after Personal Credits ends, any funds remaining in the Trust Fund will be transferred to the National Indian Brotherhood Trust Fund and the Inuvialuit Education Foundation. The next status update will be available on September 17, 2014.
Update for September 3, 2014:
Court Approves key elements of Completion Strategy The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has approved two key elements of the Independent Assessment Process Completion Strategy. For more information please click here. Notice to Counsel: Desk Guide for Legal Counsel updated; New Features for IFMS The Secretariat is pleased to announce that an updated version of the Desk Guide for Legal Counsel is now available on the IRSAS website. For more information please click here. IAP Statistics Update The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to July 31, 2014:
The update can be viewed at www.iap-pei.ca.
The next status update will be available on September 10, 2014.
Update for August 27, 2014:
Important Deadlines Deadline to submit your Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form: postmarked by October 31, 2014. Deadline for Education Entity or Group to submit Personal Credits Redemption Form: postmarked by December 1, 2014. All inactive files will be closed on December 1, 2014. The next status update will be available on September 3, 2014.
Update for August 20, 2014: There are no new updates since our last report. The next status update will be available on August 27, 2014.
Update for August 13, 2014: Court orders destruction of IAP documents
Statement by Chief Adjudicator Dan Shapiro, on a decision by Ontario Superior Court of Justice Paul M. Perell, who has ordered the destruction of IAP records following a 15 year retention period. For more information, please click here Manitoba Form fillers decision protects IAP claimants A decision by a Manitoba judge will protect claimants from having to pay most fees charged by form fillers for claims under the Independent Assessment Process (IAP). For more information, please click here Court Monitor seeks investigation into Kenora Law Firm
The Court Monitor in the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) has asked the Ontario Superior Court of Justice for the authority to conduct an investigation into Kenora lawyer Doug Keshen and his law firm, Keshen & Major Barristers and Solicitors. For more information, please click here Chief Adjudicator welcomes appointment of Independent Special Advisor Chief Adjudicator welcomes appointment of Independent Special Advisor Dan Shapiro, Chief Adjudicator of the Independent Assessment Process (IAP), welcomes the appointment of an Independent Special Advisor to review complaints against lawyers and others who represent claimants in the IAP. For more information, please click here IAP hearings to be complete by Spring 2016
Regina, March 6, 2014 - The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat expects to complete hearings for claimants in the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) by the Spring of 2016, Chief Adjudicator Dan Shapiro announced today. For more information, please click here
The next status update will be available on August 20, 2014.
Update for August 7, 2014: Personal Credits are credits that have no cash value and are only redeemable for either personal or group educational services provided by approved educational entities and groups. Once a “Personal Credits Redemption Form” is issued, the choice of how and where the Personal Credits will be used is final. Once a cheque is issued to the education entity or group, there is no expectation that the funds will be recovered. In order to receive a cheque for the provision of educational services, the education entity or group must complete the “Personal Credits Redemption Form”. The “Personal Credits Redemption Form” requires that the education entity or group identify how the Personal Credits have been or will be used. Terms and Conditions developed by Canada and the Assembly of First Nations and by Canada and Inuit Representatives set out eligible educational services and eligible expenses. All “Personal Credits Redemption Forms” must be completed and submitted to the Personal Credits Administrator post marked no later than December 1, 2014. The next status update will be available on August 13, 2014.
Update for July 30, 2014: For First Nations, Métis and all other non-Inuit Common Experience Payment recipients:
A group of CEP Recipients and/or Transferees may elect to pool their Personal Credits to develop and participate in specific education programs within their First Nation and Métis community. The Group Education Service must meet certain criteria to be deemed as eligible. Examples of some of the eligibility criteria include but are not limited to the following: Addressing harms resulting from the Legacy of Indian Residential Schools, including the intergenerational impacts; Providing training programs that restore First Nation or Métis languages, cultural education, and personal development For Inuit Common Experience Payment recipients: A Group of Inuit Common Experience Payment Recipients may elect to pool their Personal Credits to participate in group educational services including those aimed at the preservation, reclamation, development, or understanding of Inuit identities, histories, cultures, or languages. Inuk CEP Recipients may participate with one or more of their Family Class members or Communities in an eligible Group Education Service. For Recipients wishing to participate in group Inuit cultural and language program please contact your Inuit Land Claim Organization (Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, Makivik Corporation or Nunavut Tunngavik Inc).
For more information regarding Group Educational Services please click here to review the applicable Terms and Conditions. The next status update will be available on August 7, 2014.
Update for July 23, 2014: You may submit a “Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form” identifying an educational entity and/or group that is not on this approved list. An Advisory Committee will review the educational entity or group you listed and determine if it meets the criteria set out in the Terms and Conditions. You will be notified of their decision by mail. The Advisory Committee must approve any request to use Personal Credits to attend education institutions and group programs outside of Canada by a resident of Canada. The next status update will be available on July 30, 2014.
Update for July 9, 2014: There is a two step process in order to redeem Personal Credits: Step 1: Acknowledgement: Common Experience Payment recipients have been sent a Personal Credits information package in the mail. Included in this package is a “Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form” that has been personalized for the Common Experience Payment recipient. The Common Experience Payment recipient must complete the form by indicating who will be using the Personal Credits and at which educational entity(ies) and/or group(s) the Personal Credits will be redeemed. The “Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form” must be returned to the Personal Credits Administrator post marked no later than October 31, 2014.
Step 2: Redemption: Once the information provided on the “Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form” has been processed, a second form, called the “Personal Credits Redemption Form” will be mailed to the Common Experience Payment recipient. A “Personal Credits Redemption Form” will be sent for each individual using the Personal Credits. The Common Experience Payment recipient, or the person who will use the Personal Credits, must submit the “Personal Credits Redemption Form(s)” to the educational entity(ies) or group(s) that will be providing the educational service. The educational entity(ies) and/or group(s) must complete the “Personal Credits Redemption Form” and submit it to the Personal Credits Administrator post marked no later than December 1, 2014. A cheque will be issued directly to the educational entity(ies) or group(s) .
It is the responsibility of the Common Experience Payment recipient to ensure that the deadlines are met.
The next status update will be available on July 16, 2014.
Update for July 2, 2014: We have received additional information from the Trustee regarding when changes to transferees may occur. The CEP Recipient may change whom he or she has chosen to give his or her Personal Credits to up to the point that the CEP Recipient’s Personal Credits Acknowledgement form is approved by the Agent of the Trustee. After that point, changes to whom the CEP Recipient has chosen to give his or her Personal Credits may only occur up to the point of submission of the Personal Credits Redemption form in the event of death or disability of the family member. In this case, the Personal Credits may be transferred back to the Common Experience Payment recipient. Disability means severe, sustained mental or physical incapacity, as evidenced by a medical certificate signed by a licensed physician. The next status update will be available on July 9, 2014.
Update for June 25, 2014: Prior to the submission of the “Personal Credits Redemption Form” to the Agent of the Trustee, you may only change who you have chosen to give your Personal Credits to in the event of death or disability of the family member. In this case, the Personal Credits may be transferred back to the Common Experience Payment recipient. Disability means severe, sustained mental or physical incapacity, as evidenced by a medical certificate signed by a licensed physician. You can change where you or your family member(s) are choosing to use the Personal Credits if the course, program or group educational service is no longer available. Only the Common Experience Payment recipient may request a change as to where the Personal Credits will be used. The next status update will be available on July 2, 2014.
Update for June 18, 2014: Personal Credits are credits that have no cash value and are only redeemable for either personal or group educational services provided by approved educational entities and groups. Personal Credits cannot be used to pay an existing education loan or a course that has already been taken. Personal Credits must be redeemed for future learning opportunities. The educational service to which Personal Credits are being applied must be completed by April 30, 2015. For more information, please visit the Official Court Website at www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca and follow the Personal Credits link. The next status update will be available on June 25, 2014.
Update for June 11, 2014: Important Deadlines Deadline to submit your Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form: postmarked by October 31, 2014. Deadline for Education Entity or Group to submit Personal Credits Redemption Form: postmarked by December 1, 2014. All inactive files will be closed on December 1, 2014. The educational service to which Personal Credits are being applied must be completed by April 30, 2015.
The next status update will be available on June 18, 2014.
Update for June 4, 2014: As directed by the Advisory Committee(s), updates and additions have been made to the list of approved educational entities and groups. Click here for a list of approved educational entities and groups or call the Personal Credits Information Line toll free 1-866-343-1858. The next status update will be available on June 11, 2014.
Update for May 28, 2014: Liaison Workers have been established to assist Common Experience Payment recipients with the Personal Credits process. Liaisons can assist with completing Personal Credit forms, the development of Group Educational Service Language or Cultural Programs or Services and other additional assistance that may be required. First Nations, Métis and all other non-Inuit Common Experience Payment recipients can contact the Assembly of First Nations for help from a Liaison Worker. Inuit Common Experience Payment recipients can contact their Land Claim Organization – Makivik Corporation, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, or Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated – for help from a Liaison Worker. For more information, please call the Personal Credits Information Line toll-free at 1-866-343-1858 where an agent can direct you to the appropriate Liaison Worker. The next status update will be available on June 4, 2014.
Update for May 21, 2014: Please note that effective May 28th, 2014, the IRS Updates Line of 1-866-879-4914 will no longer be available due to insufficient volume. Information will continue to be posted here on the Updates page of the Official Court Website. You may also access these updates by speaking with an agent between the hours of 8am and 9pm EST, Monday through Friday, at the toll-free number of 1-866-879-4913. The next status update will be available on May 28, 2014.
Update for May 14, 2014: First Nations, Métis and all other non-Inuit Common Experience Payment recipients may choose to pool their Personal Credits to develop and to participate in specific education programs. These group educational services would be aimed at the preservation, reclamation, development or understanding of native identities, histories, cultures or languages. First Nations, Métis and all other non-Inuit Common Experience Payment recipients can call the Assembly of First Nations for more information. Inuit Common Experience Payment Recipients may choose to pool their Personal Credits to participate in group educational services including those aimed at the preservation, reclamation, development, or understanding of Inuit identities, histories, cultures, or languages. If you wish to participate in group Inuit cultural and language programs and if you want the assistance of your Inuit Land Claim Organization, please contact your Inuit Land Claim Organization. Inuit Land Claim Organization means Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, Makivik Corporation, or Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. To view the Terms and Conditions that describe eligible educational entities and groups, please click here. The next status update will be available on May 21, 2014.
Update for May 7, 2014: As directed by the Advisory Committee(s), updates and additions have been made to the list of approved educational entities and groups. Click here for a list of approved educational entities and groups or call the Personal Credits Information Line toll free 1-866-343-1858. The next status update will be available on May 14, 2014.
Update for April 30, 2014: IMPORTANT DEADLINE INFORMATION The course, group or educational service to which Personal Credits are being applied must be completed on or before April 30th, 2015. The Education Entity/Group Educational Service will be required to identify on the Personal Credits Redemption Form how the Personal Credits will be used and the dates upon which services will be provided. For additional information, you may contact the Personal Credits Help Desk and speak with an agent toll free at 1-866-343-1858. To view other important deadlines for Personal Credits, please click here. The next status update will be available on May 7, 2014.
Update for April 23, 2014: Personal Credits can be used for a variety of educational purposes. For a list of approved educational entities and groups at which Personal Credits can be redeemed, please click here or call the toll free Personal Credits Help Desk at 1-866-343-1858. If you would like your Personal Credits to be redeemed at an educational entity or group that does not appear on the approved list of educational entities and groups, identify your choice on your “Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form”. An Advisory Committee will review the educational entity or group you identified and determine if it meets the criteria set out in the Terms and Conditions. You will receive the Advisory Committee decision by mail. The decision of the Advisory Committee is final. The next status update will be available on April 30, 2014.
Update for April 16, 2014: CEP Recipients can choose not to use their Personal Credits. If this is your choice, you do not have to do anything. Do not fill out the “Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form”. The value of the Personal Credits you are entitled to will remain in the Trust Fund that was established to pay Common Experience Payments and Personal Credits. As stated in the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, the funds remaining in the Trust Fund once Personal Credits have been distributed will be transferred to the National Indian Brotherhood Trust Fund and the Inuvialuit Education Foundation for educational programs. The next status update will be available on April 23, 2014.
Update for April 9, 2014: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has released a new video to help claimants prepare for their hearing in the Independent Assessment Process (IAP). ‘Telling Your Story’ provides claimants in the Independent Assessment Process with information about what to expect at their IAP hearing, the rights that claimants have under the IAP and discusses the roles and responsibilities of participants at the hearing and all Parties to the Settlement Agreement. To access the full update as well as the link to ‘Telling Your Story’, click here. The next status update will be available on April 16, 2014.
Update for April 2, 2014: Each Common Experience Payment recipient has been sent a Personal Credits information package in the mail. Included in this package is a “Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form” that has been personalized for the Common Experience Payment recipient. Built into this “Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form” is a unique barcode associated with that recipient, which means it cannot be copied and given to someone else to use. Only eligible CEP Recipients or their representatives may submit this personalized form to receive their share of the Personal Credits. If your form is lost or stolen, please contact the Administrator to report it so that the original barcode can be deactivated and a new one issued. You may contact the Administrator: By Phone: 1-866-343-1858 or 1-877-627-7027 (TTY) By Mail: Personal Credits Administrator Suite 3 - 505, 133 Weber St N Waterloo, ON N2J 3G9 By Fax: 1-888-842-1332 By Email: IRSPersonalCredits@crawco.ca For more information, please click here. The next status update will be available on April 9, 2014.
Update for March 26, 2014: At the end of January, 2014, Common Experience Payment recipients were sent a Personal Credits information package in the mail. Included in this package is a “Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form” that has been personalized for the Common Experience Payment recipient. If you are a Common Experience Payment recipient or a personal representative of a CEP recipient who is deceased, and you have not yet received your Personal Credits Information package in the mail, you may request one by contacting the Administrator: By Phone: 1-866-343-1858 or 1-877-627-7027 (TTY) By Mail: Personal Credits Administrator Suite 3 - 505, 133 Weber St N Waterloo, ON N2J 3G9 By Fax: 1-888-842-1332 By Email: IRSPersonalCredits@crawco.ca For more information, please click here. The next status update will be available on April 2, 2014.
Update for March 19, 2014: Now available is a listing of over forty (40) Frequently Asked Questions relating to Personal Credits. You may view these frequently asked questions and responses by following the Personal Credits link on the Official Court Website at www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca or by clicking here. For additional information, you may also contact the Personal Credits Help Desk and speak with an agent toll free at The next status update will be available on March 26, 2014.
Update for March 12, 2014: If you would like your Personal Credits to be redeemed at an educational entity or group that does not appear on the approved list of educational entities and groups, identify your choice on your “Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form”. An Advisory Committee will review the educational entity or group you identified and determine if it meets the criteria set out in the Terms and Conditions. You will receive the Advisory Committee decision by mail. The decision of the Advisory Committee is final.
The next status update will be available on March 19, 2014.
Update for March 5, 2014: Personal Credits are credits that have no cash value and are only redeemable for either personal or group educational services provided by approved educational entities and groups. Personal Credits cannot be used to pay an existing education loan or a course that has already been taken. Personal Credits must be redeemed for future learning opportunities. For more information, please visit the Official Court Website at www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca and follow the Personal Credits link.
The next status update will be available on March 12, 2014.
Update for February 26, 2014: Common Experience Payment recipients were sent a Personal Credits information package in the mail. Included in this package is a “Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form” that has been personalized for the Common Experience Payment recipient. The “Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form” must be completed and submitted to the Personal Credits Administrator postmarked no later than October 31, 2014 in order to use Personal Credits. It is the responsibility of the Common Experience Payment recipient to ensure that the deadlines are met. You may request a form, or help completing a form, by calling the Personal Credits Help Desk at 1-866-343-1858. First Nations, Métis and all other non-Inuit Common Experience Payment recipients can contact the Assembly of First Nations for help from a Liaison Worker to complete their “Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form”. Inuit Common Experience Payment recipients can contact their Land Claim Organization - Makivik Corporation, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, or Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated - for help from a Liaison Worker to complete their “Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form”.
The next status update will be available on March 5, 2014.
Update for February 19, 2014: The process developed to issue Personal Credits is derived from Terms and Conditions developed by Canada and the Assembly of First Nations, and by Canada and Inuit Representatives. These Terms and Conditions, approved by the Court, specify who may use the credits and to whom they may be transferred. The Terms and Conditions also set out eligible education programs and services, as well as eligible expenses. You may view these terms and conditions by clicking here. Also included on the website is a link to a sample acknowledgment form, as well as the list of education entities and Group Education Services.
The next status update will be available on February 27, 2014.
Update for February 12, 2014:
Personal Credits can be used for a variety of educational purposes, not just post-secondary education. While Personal Credits can be used for courses at universities, colleges, trade or training schools, they can also be used for programs and workshops provided by community-based groups or cultural centres and learning activities related to the preservation, reclamation, development or understanding of native and Inuit history, cultures or languages. For more information, please visit the Official Court Website at www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca and follow the Personal Credits link. The next status update will be available on February 19, 2014.
Update for February 5, 2014: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has provided updated statistics regarding the processing of Common Experience Payment applications. Please visit http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/ to view the information.
Court decision on St. Anne’s Indian Residential School The Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruled on January 14 that the Government of Canada must release documents related to abuse suffered by students at St. Anne’s IRS in Fort Albany Ontario. The documents are from Ontario Provincial Police investigations and criminal trials conducted in the 1990s. The decision requires that Canada release thousands of documents to students who attended St. Anne’s IRS. Former students from the institution will be able to use them to support their claims for compensation at hearings under the Independent Assessment Process (IAP). It’s important to note that the release of the documents is not likely to change the outcome of many IAP cases of former St. Anne’s students who have already had their claims settled. If you are interested in reading the decision it is available here. The next status update will be available on February 12, 2014.
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to December 31, 2013:
The next status update will be available on March 5, 2014.
Update for January 21, 2014: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has issued a News Release announcing Personal Credits for Education for Common Experience Payment Recipients. For more information, please click here. The next status update will be on January 28th, 2014.
Update for January 2, 2014: Alberta National Event March 27-30, 2014 Edmonton, Shaw Conference Centre All TRC events will be held at the Shaw Conference Centre, 9797 Jasper Avenue, from March 27 to 30, 2014. For 116 years, thousands of Aboriginal children in Alberta were sent to Indian Residential Schools funded by the federal government and run by the churches. They were taken from their families and communities in order to be stripped of language, cultural identity and traditions. Canada’s attempt to wipe out Aboriginal cultures failed. But it left an urgent need for reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples. There were more Indian Residential Schools in Alberta than in any other province. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) is holding its Alberta National Event in Edmonton from March 27 to 30, 2014. Come and share your truth about the schools and their legacy. Witness and celebrate the resilience of Aboriginal cultures! • Statement Gathering • Traditional Ceremonies • Survivor Gatherings • Education Day • Witnessing Survivor Statements • Cultural Performances • Films, and more Be a part of the National Journey for Healing and Reconciliation! All gatherings are open to the public. Admission is free. *Each TRC National Event is dedicated to one of the Seven Sacred Teachings – love, respect, courage, honesty, wisdom, humility and truth.
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to November 30, 2013:
Legal Counsel and Adjudicators Notice to Counsel
Notice to Counsel regarding Schedule P Releases for Represented Claimants A Schedule P Release is a legal document that Section 11.02 of the Settlement Agreement requires all Non-Resident Claimants, who wish to proceed in the Independent Assessment Process (IAP), to sign. Non-Resident Claimants who wish to resolve their IRS abuse claims in the IAP are required to sign a Schedule P Release so that, with the exception of their IAP claim, they too are “deemed to have released the Defendants for all claims arising from their IRS attendance or experience” Schedule D, Item 3 (a)(i) (page 7). The Settlement Agreement at Section 11.02(1) states that “The Approval Orders will order and declare that Non-resident Claimants on being accepted into the IAP, must execute a Release in the form set out in Schedule “P” of this Agreement. To date, Canada and the Secretariat have agreed to put this into place by requiring a signed Schedule P immediately following admission to the IAP, before the claim can move to Case Management. Given the pressing need to move claims through to hearing in a timely manner, Canada and the Secretariat have worked together to develop a process that allows represented files currently on hold for Schedule P to move to resolution. Please be advised that for current and future represented Schedule P claims, the claim will no longer be put on hold pending production of a signed Schedule P. Instead, the claim will move forward to document collection and scheduling and the signed Schedule P Release can be provided any time prior to hearing or on the day of the hearing. Counsel is advised that if a signed Schedule P release is not provided prior to the commencement of proceedings at the hearing, the postponement policy will be in effect, including implications on legal fees. Counsel will be reminded throughout the document collection process of the need to file a signed Schedule P at or before hearing. As before, you can submit a signed copy of the Schedule P Release by fax to (604) 666-7068 or by email to ScheduleP-AnnexeP@irsad-sapi.gc.ca. The original signed copy of the Release must also be mailed to: IAP Secretariat, PO Box 1575, Stn “B”, Ottawa ON, K1P 0A9. For questions please email ScheduleP-AnnexeP@irsad-sapi.gc.ca The next status update will be available on February 5, 2014.
Update for December 4, 2013: Statement by the Honourable Bernard Valcourt on the Mandate of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Ref. #2-3876 OTTAWA, ONTARIO (November 14, 2013) - The Honourable Bernard Valcourt, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, issued the following statement today: “I am pleased to announce that the Government of Canada will work with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the parties to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, as well as the Ontario Superior Court to provide the Commission with a one-year extension to its operating period, until June 30, 2015, as requested by the Commission. This additional year would allow the Commission sufficient time to complete its mandate, including writing its final report and receiving those documents held at Library and Archives Canada that Canada provides during this period. We look forward to continuing to assist the Truth and Reconciliation Commission with its important mandate and to meeting Canada’s obligations as set out in the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. Our government remains committed to achieving a fair and lasting resolution to the legacy of Indian Residential Schools, which lies at the heart of reconciliation and the renewal of the relationship between Aboriginal people and all Canadians.” For more information, please contact: Minister's Office Media Relations
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to October 31, 2013:
Notice to Counsel Hearings to be cancelled for NSP cases Effective October 1, 2013, hearings for claimants who enter the Negotiated Settlement Process (NSP) will be cancelled. The Negotiated Settlement Process is an alternative means of resolving a file under the Settlement Agreement. The negotiation takes place between Canada and claimant counsel, and the Secretariat is rarely involved. Since most files enter the NSP before an IAP hearing is scheduled, there is usually not a conflict. However in some cases, a hearing date is set before the parties agree to the NSP. Chief Adjudicator The current practice is to retain the IAP hearing date until claimant’s counsel confirms that the IAP hearing is no longer required. Given the high resolution rate for cases that enter the NSP (99%), and the volume of IAP hearings that are cancelled for this reason (about 12 per month), this practice will be amended. Starting on October 1, when the Adjudication Secretariat is notified that a file for which a hearing has been scheduled has entered the NSP, the IAP hearing will be cancelled. In many cases, this will allow the hearing date to be retained and used for another IAP file. If the case is not resolved through the NSP and a hearing is required, the Secretariat will re-schedule it on a priority basis. This new policy has been approved by the Oversight Committee, which includes representatives of former Aboriginal students and their counsel, Churches and the Government of Canada. The next status update will be available on January 2, 2014.
Update for November 6, 2013: New form to request decision review In an effort to ensure speedy processing, the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat is introducing a new form for use by counsel who wish to request a review of a decision made under the Independent Assessment Process. There are two grounds on which counsel can request that an adjudicator's decision be reviewed:
The grounds on which the review is being requested much be indicated on the form. In addition, counsel must provide a short written statement describing their objections to the decision. Please limit your statement to no more than 1,500 words. Counsel is expected to use the form when requesting a review. Failure to do so could lead to delays in processing your request. The form can be downloaded below. Once it is complete, please submit it to the Secretariat via Electronic Document Interchange, or mail it to the Secretariat at the address listed on the form. Request for Review (fillable .pdf version) Request for review (MS Word version) To find out more, please visit www.iap-pei.ca.
New measures to protect Indian Residential Schools claimants Ottawa, October 21, 2013 – The Chief Adjudicator of the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) has announced new measures designed to protect claimants from lawyers who engage in unconscionable and illegal conduct. “The vast majority of lawyers representing claimants in the IAP are diligent and do excellent and highly ethical work,” said Dan Shapiro, who was named Chief Adjudicator in July. “However, a small minority of legal counsel continue to engage in practices that effectively deprive claimants of the benefits they are entitled to under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement,” he said. The measures announced today are intended to curtail practices such as:
Shapiro has updated Expectations of Legal Practice in the IAP, which sets out the minimum standards of practice in the IAP. The updates address issues related to contingency fee agreements, hearing locations, interpreters, legal fees, form fillers and changes of legal counsel. The Chief Adjudicator has also updated a guidance paper on legal fee reviews which confirms the right of adjudicators to reduce legal fees to an amount lower than Canada’s 15% contribution in cases where a lack of preparation or expertise is evident. As well, legal fee review decisions will include new clauses to protect claimants from form-fillers and other lawyers. In addition, Shapiro has met with representatives of Law Societies across Canada to raise awareness of the challenges faced by vulnerable claimants, and to ensure that swift action is taken to impose disciplinary measures when unethical practices by lawyers in the IAP are brought to their attention. “These measures will have no impact on the vast majority of IAP lawyers, who serve their clients well,” said Shapiro. “For the few that persist in unconscionable and illegal conduct, they serve as a further indication that we will protect the integrity of the Process, and that the mistreatment or exploitation of vulnerable claimants will not be tolerated in the IAP,” he said. The IAP was established in 2007 under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA), the largest class action settlement in Canadian history. The IAP is a claimant-centred process that provides compensation to former students for abuse they suffered at Indian Residential Schools. The IAP also supports healing and reconciliation among former students, their families and communities. The IAP is administered by the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat (IRSAS), a quasi-judicial tribunal that operates independently from the parties to IRSSA, including the Government of Canada. The Secretariat reports to the Chief Adjudicator. As of August 31, 2013, IRSAS had received 37,868 applications for compensation under the IAP. Of these, 23,268 cases have been resolved and more than $2.091 billion has been paid out in compensation by the Government of Canada. Contact: The next status update will be available on December 4, 2013.
Update for October 2, 2013: Canada’s Master List of Admissions of Staff Knowledge of Student on Student AbuseThe IAP allows compensation to former residents of Indian Residential Schools who suffered abuse by fellow students, if the criteria for compensation are met. The parties to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement recognize the importance of transparency and a system for disclosures of Canada’s admissions of Indian Residential Schools staff knowledge of student on student abuse. Canada maintains a Master List of such admissions from IAP cases that have already been resolved, and has provided it to the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat. In September 2010, the IAP Oversight Committee approved a directive from the Chief Adjudicator (CAD-8) that gave adjudicators the authority to release potentially relevant admissions from the Master List to lawyers for claimants and adjudicators. In May, 2013, the Chief Adjudicator decided that the Master List should be made available to lawyers representing claimants, under certain strict conditions. Self-represented claimants do not have access to the Master List. At hearings, self-represented claimants should ensure they ask the adjudicator to check the Master List to determine if there are any admissions from other IAP claims that could affect their case. An admission in a previous case could make it easier for a claimant to prove that the criteria for compensation are met. The issue of student on student harm is one of many complex facets of the Independent Assessment Process. For this reason, all parties to the IAP encourage all claimants to hire a lawyer to help them to pursue their claim. Lawyers who represent claimants have access to the Master List. Self-represented claimants must rely on the adjudicator to check the list. Even if you have started a claim without the help of a lawyer, it’s not too late to hire one. The Secretariat can provide information to former students on how to find and hire a lawyer. Notice to Counsel Canada’s Master List of Admissions of Staff Knowledge of Student on Student Abuse To find out more, please visit www.iap-pei.ca.
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to August 31, 2013:
The next status update will be available on November 6, 2013.
Update for September 4, 2013: Legal Counsel and Adjudicators
Notice to Counsel Creation of Legal Changes Unit at IRSAS The Indian Residential School Adjudication Secretariat (IRSAS) has created a new Legal Changes Unit (LCU). It will be responsible for tracking all legal counsel changes and updates. This includes law firm separations (when counsel leaves a firm) and counsel conflicts (such as situations where a claimant appears to be dealing with more than one lawyer). Please ensure that you notify us of any changes promptly, otherwise the processing of your claim may be delayed. By having one unit deal with all legal counsel changes, we will create efficiencies by eliminating duplication and provide consistency in the way we handle changes. The new unit should also ensure that no changes slip through the cracks. Please forward information about all legal counsel changes to the Legal Changes Unit through the email account listed below. Please contact the LCU to ensure your files are updated when:
The Legal Changes Unit will then notify all internal units of the change in counsel. You will no longer have to send the information to multiple units or staff within the Secretariat. If you take over representation of a claimant with previous legal counsel and an active IAP claim, you must notify the Secretariat as soon as possible. Please send your notification and all relevant documentation to the Legal Changes Unit at the email address listed below. Immediate notification of any changes will ensure that the claimant’s file will not be placed on hold. This will prevent delays in the resolution of the claim and avoid any undue stress and hardship to the claimant. The following documents are required to initiate a change of counsel, to resolve conflicts or to authorize the disclosure of file information. All documents must be signed by the claimant and dated within the previous 30 days:
Please note: For Review requests please forward the confirmation of legal Representation signed by the claimant to the LCU and we will update our system once a formal request for a review has been received. The Legal Changes Unit will also be responsible for processing requests to withdraw from representing an IAP claimant, as described under the Chief Adjudicator’s Directive 10 (CAD-10: Procedures for Withdrawal of Counsel in the IAP). The directive outlines the process for withdrawing from a claimant file and describes the Secretariat's requirements. When choosing to withdraw representation from a file, you are required to complete this process. Please complete the required form according to the directive and send it to the Legal Changes Unit. Legal Changes Unit e-mail address: LegalChanges.ChangementsJuridiques@irsad-sapi.gc.ca
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to July 31, 2013:
The next status update will be available on October 2, 2013.
Update for August 7, 2013: Dan Shapiro Named Chief Adjudicator for Independent Assessment Process Ottawa, July 17, 2013 -- Saskatoon lawyer Dan Shapiro has been selected as the new Chief Adjudicator of the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) that provides compensation to former students for abuse they suffered at Indian Residential Schools. Mr. Shapiro takes over from Dan Ish, who announced in February that he would be stepping down once his successor was appointed. “Mr. Shapiro is a senior adjudicator who knows the IAP extremely well,” said Mayo Moran, the chair of the IAP Oversight Committee that managed the search for the new Chief Adjudicator. “He has extensive experience in the areas of aboriginal law, civil litigation, medical negligence, insurance, injury claims and labour relations,” said Ms. Moran. The Oversight Committee monitors the implementation of the IAP and includes representatives of former Aboriginal students and their counsel, Churches and the Government of Canada. The Oversight Committee’s selection has been ratified by the Supervising Courts of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. Mr. Shapiro completed his law degree at the University of Saskatchewan in 1978 and is a member of the Bar in Saskatchewan. He is a founding member of the law firm Brayford Shapiro in Saskatoon, and was appointed Queen's Counsel in 1996. Mr. Shapiro has been a Deputy Chef Adjudicator for the Indian Residential School Adjudication Secretariat since 2007. Prior to that, he worked as a senior adjudicator under the Alternate Dispute Resolution system which preceded the Independent Assessment Process (IAP). The IAP was established in 2007 under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA), the largest class action suit in Canadian history. The IAP is a claimant-centred process that also supports healing and reconciliation among former students, their families and communities. As Chief Adjudicator, Mr. Shapiro will direct the work of the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat (IRSAS), the administrative body that manages the IAP hearing process. IRSAS is a quasi-judicial tribunal that operates independently from the parties to IRSSA, including the Government of Canada. Mr. Shapiro has appeared as counsel in all levels of Court throughout Saskatchewan and Alberta, as well as in the British Columbia Supreme Court, the Tax Court of Canada and the Supreme Court of Canada. He has also chaired numerous labour and administrative tribunals. He has taught at the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Law as well as at a number of Continuing Legal Education programs. “I am pleased to welcome Mr. Shapiro as the new Chief Adjudicator of the IAP,” said Ms. Moran. “We are confident that he is a worthy successor to Dan Ish. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Ish for his outstanding contributions to IRSAS since the Secretariat was established in 2007,” she said. Mr. Shapiro will take up his new duties as Chief Adjudicator on July 29, 2013. He will work out of the IRSAS offices in Regina, Saskatchewan. As of May 31, 2013, IRSAS had received 37,797 applications for compensation under the IAP. 21,336 cases have been resolved and more than $1.982 billion has been paid out in compensation by the Government of Canada. Contact: Michael Tansey Michael.Tansey@irsad-sapi.gc.ca
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to June 30, 2013:
The next status update will be available on September 4, 2013.
Update for July 3, 2013: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to May 31, 2013:
Fact sheet on the Accelerated Hearing Process (AHP)
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat is introducing an Accelerated Hearing Process (AHP) to increase the number of hearings that can be held each week. Under the AHP, the Secretariat will schedule hearings for claims that are not hearing-ready alongside hearing-ready cases in order to fill a week with hearings in a given geographic area. The benefits of the AHP include earlier hearing dates for claimants, an increase in the number of hearings that can be held each week and the preservation of the claimant’s testimony. The AHP is designed to allow the Secretariat to schedule hearings in cases that would not normally be ready to proceed. In many cases, this will mean a hearing will be held even though some mandatory documents are not available. Missing documents can then be submitted following the hearing. Final submissions will be made after all mandatory documents are submitted. Decisions in claims that undergo an accelerated hearing will only be written once all of the mandatory documents have been submitted and finals submissions have been made. The AHP has many checks and balances, including a pre-hearing file management teleconference, to ensure that all participants are comfortable with the process. Even though AHP hearings may be held before some of the required documents are available, cases that go through an accelerated hearing will be treated with the same level of diligence, thoroughness and fairness as claims that are dealt with under the normal process for IAP claims. If you require more information about the Accelerated Hearing Process, talk to your lawyer. Self-represented claimants should speak with their Claimant Support Officer, or call the IAP Information Line at 1-877-635-2648. To find out more, please visit www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on August 7, 2013.
Update for June 5, 2013: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to April 30, 2013:
The next status update will be available on July 3, 2013.
Update for May 1, 2013: Independent Assessment Process Notice about Estate Claims The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat makes every effort to expedite the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) claims of survivors who are elderly or in ill health. However, in the unfortunate event that a claimant should pass away before the claim is resolved, the Adjudication Secretariat has worked with the estate to help prepare the case to be heard by an adjudicator. However, recent cases have raised questions about whether estates can bring claims in the IAP. While these cases are being decided, the Chief Adjudicator has frozen work on all other estate claims that have not yet been scheduled for a hearing. During this review:
We will provide information on the outcome of the review of estate cases when it is available. For more information Call the IAP Info Line at 1-877-635-2648 For confidential emotional support Call the 24-hour IRS Support Line at 1-866-925-4419
Search begins for new Chief Adjudicator for Independent Assessment Process
Ottawa, April 15, 2013 - The search for a new Chief Adjudicator for the Independent Assessment Process was launched today with the release of a Request for Proposals for individuals who are interested in applying. The Chief Adjudicator (CA) oversees the Independent Assessment Process, which adjudicates individual claims of abuse related to the Indian Residential Schools system. The CA also directs the work of the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat, the administrative body that manages the IAP hearing process. The CA position became vacant in February, when the current Chief Adjudicator, Daniel Ish, announced he intended to step down once a replacement was found. “We are very fortunate to have had someone as dedicated as Daniel to guide the IAP through its first five years,” said Mayo Moran, the Chair of the Oversight Committee that monitors the implementation of the IAP. “I have been struck by his deep commitment to protecting the integrity of the IAP so that former students receive a fair hearing in a safe and caring environment,” she said. The selection of a new Chief Adjudicator will be managed by the IAP Oversight Committee (OC). The Oversight Committee includes representatives of former Aboriginal students and their counsel, Churches and the Government of Canada. A selection committee will review applications, conduct interviews and make a recommendation to the Committee on the selection of the new Chief Adjudicator. The Committee’s selection must be approved by the Supervising Courts of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. Applicants for the position must have a law degree with at least 15 years at the Bar, experience as a member of the judiciary or in the adjudication of claims, and have significant knowledge of Canadian Aboriginal people and their history, culture and current issues. The mandatory and rated requirements for the position are outlined in the Request for Proposals, which is available on MERX at http://tinyurl.com/d8mej2y. Candidates must submit their proposals by May 24. The new Chief Adjudicator is expected to be in place by early this summer.
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to March 31, 2013:
The next status update will be available on June 5, 2013.
Update for April 11, 2013: The Mistassini Hostels have been added to Schedule F of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (“IRSS Agreement”) for the period of September 1, 1971 to June 30, 1978. To all who resided at the Mistassini Hostels in Northern Quebec between September 1, 1971 and June 30, 1978 BE ADVISED that the Mistassini Hostels have been added to the list of “Indian Residential Schools” under the IRSS Agreement for the period of September 1, 1971 to June 30, 1978. Justice Rolland of the Superior Court of Justice has ordered that former residents of the Mistassini Hostels who resided there during the period of September 1, 1971 to June 30, 1978 are eligible to apply for compensation in the form of a Common Experience Payment (CEP). As well, those former residents who suffered sexual and/or serious physical abuses, or other abuses that caused serious psychological effects while at these hostels, may apply for additional compensation under the Independent Assessment Process (IAP). All CEP applications relating to the Mistassini Hostels must be filed on or before September 2, 2013. All IAP applications relating to the Mistassini Hostels filed on or before September 2, 2013 will be considered to have been received by September 19, 2012. This Notice extends only to applications relating to residence at the Mistassini Hostels. It does not alter the existing deadlines under the IRSS Agreement in place for other eligible Indian Residential Schools. For more information on both processes, please call toll free, 1.866.879.4913, or go to www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca to read the Settlement Agreement and other Court approved notices, or write to Residential Schools Settlement, Suite 3-505, 133 Weber Street North, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3G9. The IRS Crisis Line (1.866.925.4419) provides immediate and culturally appropriate counselling support to former students who are experiencing distress. The next status update will be available on May 1, 2013.
Update for April 3, 2013: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has provided updated statistics regarding the processing of Common Experience Payment applications. Please visit http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/ to view the information.
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to February 28, 2013:
The next status update will be available on May 1, 2013.
Update for March 6, 2013: TRC WELCOMES COURT’S CLARIFICATION OF ITS MANDATE January 30, 2013 – The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) today welcomed a decision by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice regarding the Commission’s mandate to gather documents related to Indian Residential Schools in Canada. The decision, by Mr. Justice Stephen Goudge, concerned the scope of Canada’s obligations under the 2007 Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) to produce to the Commission documents housed in Library and Archives Canada. Justice Goudge found that the Government of Canada must produce all relevant documents housed in Library and Archives Canada to the Commission under the terms of the IRSSA. To find out more, please visit www.trc.ca.
Notice to Indian Residential Schools Claimants about Ivon Johnny The Supreme Court of British Columbia has ordered that Ivon Johnny cannot participate in the Independent Assessment Process in any way. The Court also ordered that any Claimant who dealt with Mr. Johnny does not have to pay anything to him or to anyone who is trying to collect money for him. The Chief Adjudicator and the Court Monitor went to Court on January 18th, 2013 after receiving many complaints about Ivon Johnny’s involvement with Claims. The Chief Adjudicator is in charge of making sure that all IAP Claims about residential school abuse are dealt with properly. Ivon Johnny is no longer on parole and is back in prison. For information about this notice, please call Michael Simpson (Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat) at 604-666-6530. Collect calls will be accepted.
This notice published on Feb 11, 2013 by the Office of the Chief Adjudicator under authority of an Order of Madam Justice Brown of the Supreme Court of British Columbia made January 18, 2013.
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to January 31, 2012:
The next status update will be available on April 3, 2013.
Update for February 6, 2013: Status updates will now be provided on a monthly basis, on the first Wednesday of each month, or as urgent information becomes available. The next status update will be available on March 6, 2013.
Update for January 30, 2013: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to December 31, 2012:
The next status update will be available on February 6, 2013.
Update for January 23, 2013:
Health and Healing The Government is committed to a fair and lasting resolution to the legacy of Indian Residential Schools. An important part of this process is working closely with former students, their families, and communities in support of projects that promote healing. Under the terms of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, Health Canada provides mental health and emotional supports through the Resolution Health Support Program. Additionally, the Settlement Agreement provided $125 million to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation for community-based healing initiatives.
Health Canada's role The Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program (IRS RHSP), provides mental health and emotional support services directly to former students and their families as they participate in the component of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. This includes professional counseling services, paraprofessional services through Aboriginal community-based workers, many whom speak Aboriginal languages, culturally appropriate supports with Elders, and transportation to access supports not available in the home community. For more information, please visit the Health Canada website.
Healing Foundation Since the establishment of the Aboriginal healing Foundation in 1998, the Government of Canada has provided $515 million, including $125 million endowment provided as part of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, for community-based healing initiatives. The Foundation supports 12 healing centres across the country that continued to operate until March 31, 2012. As part of its wind-down strategy, the Foundation will fulfill the remaining work of its mandate, which includes the publication of annual reports, corporate plans, newsletters, and the production of five more major research projects. For more information, please visit the Aboriginal Healing Foundation website. The next status update will be available on January 30, 2013.
Update for January 16, 2013:
There are no new updates since our last report. The next status update will be available on January 23, 2013.
Update for January 9, 2013:
Remembering the Past: A Window to the Future On Monday, November 26, 2012, at 9:00am EST, a live webcast was broadcast, from Parliament Hill, of the stained glass window dedication ceremony. The stained glass window in Centre Block of Parliament commemorates the legacy of former Indian Residential School students and their families, as well as the Prime Minister's historic Apology in 2008. To find out more, please visit www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca. The next status update will be available on January 16, 2013.
Update for January 2, 2013: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to November 30, 2012:
The next status update will be available on January 9, 2013.
Update for December 26, 2012: Update by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Regarding Disclosure of Documents to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada OTTAWA, ONTARIO (December 24, 2012) – Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada issued the following update today regarding the disclosure of documents to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC): "The Government of Canada continues to diligently implement the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement and meet all of its obligations. As of December 13, 2012, federal departments have, in fact, disclosed over one million documents to the TRC. This represents a significant effort by Canada and current estimates suggest this represents close to half of all relevant documents. Furthermore, Canada has gone beyond the obligations set out in the Agreement by absorbing all costs related to the scanning and coding of its documents for disclosure. Departments have also been working closely with the TRC to ensure they have access to all the documents they need to complete their report. The TRC is also seeking some documents which the Government of Canada believes are outside of the TRC's mandate as set out in the Agreement. The TRC is asking for the personal information submitted confidentially by former students in their applications for compensation while the Settlement Agreement is being implemented, for confidences of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, and for material subject to solicitor-client privilege. Work will continue to fulfill the obligations set out under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement with the aim of disclosing all remaining documents relevant to the TRC's mandate by July 30, 2013, a year prior to the end of its mandate, and to ensure the National Research Centre is successfully launched when the TRC ends its work. The Government of Canada remains committed to achieving a fair and lasting resolution to the legacy of Indian Residential Schools, which lies at the heart of reconciliation and the renewal of the relationship between Aboriginal people and all Canadians." For more information, please contact: Minister's Office Jan O'Driscoll Press Secretary Office of the Honourable John Duncan 819-997-0002 Media Relations Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada 819-953-1160 The next status update will be available on January 2, 2013.
Update for December 19, 2012: TRC to Hold Hearings in the First Nation Community of Manu Utenam (near Sept Îles, QC) The TRC will hold hearings in the first nation community of Manu Utenam, Quebec, on January 22 - 23, 2013. To find out more, please visit www.trc.ca. The next status update will be available on December 26, 2012.
Update for December 12, 2012: Truth and Reconciliation Commission Makes Reference to Court
On December 20 and 21, 2012, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) will make a reference to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to interpret the TRC’s mandate regarding the collection of documents from the Government of Canada under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA). To find out more, please visit www.trc.ca. The next status update will be available on December 19, 2012.
Update for December 5, 2012: TRC to hold hearings in Thunder Bay, Fort Albany The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada will hold hearings in Thunder Bay and Fort Albany. Thunder Bay – Tuesday, December 4 and Wednesday, December 5 Fort Albany – Tuesday, January 29 and Wednesday, January 30 As with every TRC Hearing, participants will have the option to provide a public or private statement. More details on these Hearings will also be posted on the TRC website as they are confirmed. The next status update will be available on December 12, 2012.
Update for November 28, 2012: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has provided updated statistics regarding the processing of Common Experience Payment applications. Please visit http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/ to view the information. The next status update will be available on December 5, 2012.
Update for November 21, 2012: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to October 31, 2012:
The next status update will be available on November 28, 2012.
Update for November 14, 2012: There are no new updates since our last report.
Update for November 7, 2012:
Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program The Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program provides mental health and emotional support services to former Indian Residential School students and their families before, during and after their participation in Settlement Agreement processes, including the Common Experience Payments and the Independent Assessment Process, and those participating in Truth and Reconciliation Commission events and Commemoration activities. Resolution Health Support Program Services are •safe •confidential •respectful, and •non-judgmental Click here for more information. The next status update will be available on November 14, 2012.
Update for October 31, 2012:
Update on Transition to new Lawyers for former Blott claimants Mr. Ian Pitfield, the Transition Coordinator appointed to oversee the transfer of files from Blott & Co. to other lawyers, has assigned counsel to all former Blott claimants. Mr. Pitfield, a former B.C. Supreme Court judge, was appointed as the Transition Coordinator on June 5, 2012, by Justice B. J. Brown of the B.C. Supreme Court. Mr. Pitfield has also assigned lawyers to all claims where Blott & Co had filled out an application form, but did not file the claim with Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat. All of these claimants will receive a letter directly from Crawford Class Action Services with the name and contact information for the assigned lawyer. The letter will also address the other options available to former Blott claimants, such as hiring another lawyer or representing themselves. If you have hired another lawyer that was not assigned to your claim by the Transition Coordinator, your lawyer should send a copy of your retainer agreement to the Secretariat at legalchanges.changementsjuridiques@irsad-sapi.gc.ca as soon as possible. The Transition Coordinator will review these requests. Under the June 19, 2012 Order from the B.C. Supreme Court, any Indian Residential School Survivor whose name is in the Blott databases or papers has met the application deadline for the IAP. If your name is in the Blott & Co database or papers, you will receive a letter from Crawford Class Action Services with information about the lawyer who has been assigned to your claim. The letter will also outline the other options you have to pursue your claim for compensation under the IAP. If you believe that Blott & Co filed a claim on your behalf and you do not receive a letter from Crawford Class Action Services, please contact the IAP Info line at 1-877-635-2648. If your application is not found in the Blott databases or papers, and you have not submitted your claim, please consult with a lawyer. After the application deadline, the Secretariat is no longer accepting applications. The next status update will be available on November 7, 2012.
Update for October 24, 2012: New Dates Announced for Saskatchewan Hearings
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) announced today new dates for community hearings in Patuanak and Île-à-la-Crosse. The hearings were scheduled to take place last month but had to be postponed. New Dates / Venues Patuanak: October 29 and 30 at William Apesis Memorial Band Hall Click here for more information. The next status update will be available on October 31, 2012.
Update for October 17, 2012:
TRC Announces Three Ontario Hearings
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) will host a hearing at M’Chigeeng First Nation on Manitoulin Island on Thursday, October 25 and Friday, October 26. The dates and location for the remaining two Hearings are as follows:
More details on these Hearings will also be posted on the TRC website as they are confirmed.
The next status update will be available on October 24, 2012.
Update for October 10, 2012:
THE IAP APPLICATION DEADLINE HAS PASSED The deadline to apply for compensation under the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) has passed. Under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, former students had five years to apply for compensation under the IAP. The deadline for application was September 19, 2012, therefore the Secretariat is no longer accepting applications. This deadline is only for APPLICATION to the IAP. Applications received before the deadline will continue to move through the process. To find out more, please visit www.iap-pei.ca.
The next status update will be available on October 17, 2012.
Update for October 3, 2012:
Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat 2011 Annual Report
The 2011 Annual Report of the Chief Adjudicator to the Independent Assessment Process Oversight Committee is now available online. To find out more, please visit www.iap-pei.ca.
The next status update will be available on October 10, 2012.
Update for September 26, 2012: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to August 31, 2012:
The next status update will be available on October 3, 2012.
Update for September 19, 2012
The deadline for applying for the Common Experience Payment (CEP) was September 19, 2011.
The deadline for Requests for Reconsideration is the date noted on your CEP Application Decision Letter or September 19, 2012, whichever is the latter. An extension will not be granted for this deadline.
For additional information please call the Indian Residential Settlement Help Desk @ 1-866-879-4913.
The deadline for applying for the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) is September 19, 2012.
If you have already applied for the IAP, there is no need to submit a new Independent Assessment Process application.
You can add more information to your existing claim. To find out how, please call 1-877-635-2648. Application forms or information can be found by contacting 1-877-635-2648 or on the Independent Assessment Process website. If your address has changed since you applied for the IAP and you have not received correspondence since submitting your application, it is important that you advise the IAP Adjudication Secretariat of this change by calling 1-877-635-2648. With your permission, they will also ensure the change is noted at Service Canada if applicable. Applicants can call 1-877-635-2648 for updates on their applications or visit the website for more information regarding the IAP process. The hours of operation for the IAP Information Line are Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. The next status update will be available on September 26, 2012.
Update for September 12, 2012
August 2012
New institution added to the list of Indian residential schools
The Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement sets out a list of eligible Indian Residential Schools that were agreed upon by all parties of the Settlement Agreement. The criteria and process for adding a new Indian Residential School are clearly outlined in Article 12 of the Settlement Agreement. Based on the new information made available to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, the Mistassini Hostels, located in Mistissini, Quebec, meet the eligibility criteria set out in Article 12 of the Settlement Agreement for the period of September 1, 1971 to June 30, 1978. The Government of Canada acquiesced to a request by the Mistassini Band in the late 1960s to build a day school on the reserve as well as three cottage-style hostels to accommodate students who were attending the day school but whose parents were out trapping or hunting. The hostels began operating in the Fall 1971, and housed up to 36 elementary age students. Each hostel was supervised by a local couple. The department owned the Mistassini hostel buildings and was jointly responsible for their operation and the care of the children who lived there. On July 1, 1978, the Cree School Board assumed responsibility for the administration and operation of the Mistassini Hostel as part of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement. The Court Order will provide more details and is expected to be completed shortly. The next status update will be available on September 19, 2012.
Update for September 5, 2012
The deadline for applying for the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) is September 19, 2012.
If you have already applied for the IAP, there is no need to submit a new Independent Assessment Process application.
You can add more information to your existing claim. To find out how, please call 1-877-635-2648. Application forms or information can be found by contacting 1-877-635-2648 or on the Independent Assessment Process website. If your address has changed since you applied for the IAP and you have not received correspondence since submitting your application, it is important that you advise the IAP Adjudication Secretariat of this change by calling 1-877-635-2648. With your permission, they will also ensure the change is noted at Service Canada if applicable. Applicants can call 1-877-635-2648 for updates on their applications or visit the website for more information regarding the IAP process. The hours of operation for the IAP Information Line are Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. The next status update will be available on September 12, 2012.
Update for August 29, 2012:
Notice to Counsel: IAP application deadline The deadline for applications to the Independent Assessment Process is September 19, 2012. The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat would like to remind counsel of several important points about the application deadline: •You must ensure that the IAP application is postmarked or electronically dated (in the case of electronic submission) by 11:59pm Pacific Time on September 19, 2012. •If we need more information to determine if an application is eligible, you will have 60 calendar days from the date of our request to provide it. ◦If you do not provide further information by the 60-day deadline, we will send a letter advising whether the claim has been admitted or not admitted based on the original information provided. •If we do not admit the application to the IAP, you will have 180 calendar days from the date of our letter to provide additional information. •We do not have authority to accept applications after the application deadline. After the application deadline, IAP claims will only be accepted with leave of the court. ◦You may want to advise your clients about the provisions of the Class Proceedings Act in your jurisdiction. ◦All applications to the supervising courts must be made under the Court Administration Protocol: http://www.classactionservices.ca/irs/documents/CourtAdministrationProtocol.pdf The next status update will be available on September 5, 2012.
Update for August 22, 2012:
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has provided updated statistics regarding the processing of Common Experience Payment applications. Please visit http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/ to view the information.
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to July 31, 2012:
The next status update will be available on August 29, 2012.
Update for August 15, 2012
The deadline for applying for the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) is September 19, 2012.
If you have already applied for the IAP, there is no need to submit a new Independent Assessment Process application.
You can add more information to your existing claim. To find out how, please call 1-877-635-2648. Application forms or information can be found by contacting 1-877-635-2648 or on the Independent Assessment Process website. If your address has changed since you applied for the IAP and you have not received correspondence since submitting your application, it is important that you advise the IAP Adjudication Secretariat of this change by calling 1-877-635-2648. With your permission, they will also ensure the change is noted at Service Canada if applicable. Applicants can call 1-877-635-2648 for updates on their applications or visit the website for more information regarding the IAP process. The hours of operation for the IAP Information Line are Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. The next status update will be available on August 22, 2012.
Update for August 8, 2012
Kenora Jail Inmates to Make Statements to TRC The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) will make its first visit to a correctional institution on August 8 and 9, when it will hear statements from inmates at the Kenora Jail in northwestern Ontario. To find out more, please visit www.trc.ca. The next status update will be available on August 15, 2012.
Update for August 1, 2012
Shared Perspectives – An Evening of Reconciliation August 14, 2012, 7:30 - 9:30 PM Harbourfront Centre’s West Jet Stage, 235 Queens Quay West Join the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) for an evening of dialogue and celebration of cultures in the spirit of reconciliation. The evening will include keynote addresses by the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair, Chair of the TRC, and the Reverend Jesse Jackson of the Rainbow Push Coalition, as well as an authors’ dialogue moderated by CBC broadcaster Shelagh Rogers. In addition, Shared Perspectives will be infused with drumming and dancing by two-time world champion Hoop Dancer Lisa Odjig and the powerfully moving drum beats of the Red Spirit Drum Group and Beyond Sound Empijah. Don’t miss it! To find out more, please visit www.trc.ca. The next status update will be available on August 8, 2012.
Update for July 25, 2012
The deadline for applying for the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) is September 19, 2012.
If you have already applied for the IAP, there is no need to submit a new Independent Assessment Process application.
You can add more information to your existing claim. To find out how, please call 1-877-635-2648. Application forms or information can be found by contacting 1-877-635-2648 or on the Independent Assessment Process website. If your address has changed since you applied for the IAP and you have not received correspondence since submitting your application, it is important that you advise the IAP Adjudication Secretariat of this change by calling 1-877-635-2648. With your permission, they will also ensure the change is noted at Service Canada if applicable. Applicants can call 1-877-635-2648 for updates on their applications or visit the website for more information regarding the IAP process. The hours of operation for the IAP Information Line are Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. Shingwauk 2012 Commemoration Gathering & Conference - Healing & Reconciliation through Education
August 3 to 6 (Friday to Monday) - Children of Shingwauk Alumni Association and Algoma University invite all Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians to attend our Eighth Residential Schools Reunion and our first annual Healing and Reconciliation through Education Gathering and Conference. To find out more, please visit www.trc.ca The next status update will be available on August 1, 2012.
Update for July 18, 2012
On June 11, 2012, the Honourable John Duncan, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, unveiled artwork commemorating the legacy of former Indian Residential School students and their families. Métis artist Christi Belcourt's artwork will be transformed into stained glass and installed in Centre Block on Parliament Hill. To view the full news release, please click here to visit the AANDC website. The next status update will be available on July 25, 2012.
Update for July 11, 2012
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to July 1, 2012:
The next status update will be available on July 18, 2012.
Update for July 4, 2012
Amid the statements gathered, the ceremonies and the tearful reunions, the forward momentum toward reconciliation continued at the Saskatchewan National Event. Tasked with witnessing and bringing what they learn back to their respective spheres of influence, five new Honourary Witnesses were named over the course of the four-day Event. Former federal MP and actress Tina Keeper and former Prime Minister Joe Clark joined Sheila Fraser, Mayor Jim Scarrow and Sir Sidney Mead of New Zealand as Honourary Witnesses. The next National Event will be held in Québec in the spring of 2013. The next status update will be available on July 11, 2012.
Update for June 27, 2012: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to June 1, 2012:
The next status update will be available on July 4, 2012.
Update for June 20, 2012
The deadline for applying for the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) is September 19, 2012. If you have already applied for the IAP, there is no need to submit a new Independent Assessment Process application. You can add more information to your existing claim. To find out how, please call 1-877-635-2648. Application forms or information can be found by contacting 1-877-635-2648 or on the Independent Assessment Process website. If your address has changed since you applied for the IAP and you have not received correspondence since submitting your application, it is important that you advise the IAP Adjudication Secretariat of this change by calling 1-877-635-2648. With your permission, they will also ensure the change is noted at Service Canada if applicable. Applicants can call 1-877-635-2648 for updates on their applications or visit the website for more information regarding the IAP process. The hours of operation for the IAP Information Line are Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.
TRC issues call for volunteers at the Saskatchewan National Event The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada is looking for volunteers to help facilitate the Saskatchewan National Event, taking place from June 21 to June 24 in Saskatoon. To sign up for volunteer opportunities and for more information on program events, please visit www.trc.ca and click on Saskatchewan National Event.
Update for June 13, 2012
On June 5, 2012, the BC Supreme Court released a decision on an investigation into the practices of the law firm Blott and Company related to the Independent Assessment Process.
Please visit http://www.iap-pei.ca/information/info-page/news-info-2012-06-06-eng.php for more details.
The next status update will be available on June 20, 2012.
Update for June 6, 2012
In addition to the Saskatchewan National Event in Saskatoon June 21-24, 2012, the TRC will hold 12 Community Hearings throughout the province.
The next status update will be available on June 13, 2012.
Update for May 30, 2012: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to May 1, 2012:
The next status update will be available on June 6, 2012.
Update for May 23, 2012:
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has provided updated statistics regarding the processing of Common Experience Payment applications. Please visit http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/ to view the information.
The next status update will be available on May 30, 2012.
Update for May 16, 2012: Indian Residential Schools - Key Milestones
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has updated their website to include a summary of the Indian Residential Schools key milestones. To view this information and to learn more about the history of Indian Residential Schools, please click here.
The next status update will be available on May 23, 2012.
Update for May 9, 2012:
Saskatchewan Regional Hearings: Fort Qu'Appelle
Regional Hearings continue in Saskatchewan as we move toward the Saskatchewan National Event (SNE) in June. On May 14 and 15, the TRC will be in Fort Qu'Appelle to hear from Survivors, both direct and intergenerational, and other community members as they share their experiences with Residential School and its legacy. The webcast will be posted here for both days of the Hearings The next status update will be available on May 16, 2012
Update for May 2, 2012: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to April 1, 2012:
The next status update will be available on May 9, 2012.
Update for April 25, 2012 Regional Event in Victoria a Success They came, they spoke and they witnessed. In total, 2345 people registered to be part of this event. Of those, nearly 400 identified as former attendees of Residential School, leaving almost 2,000 people who came to hear the truth be told and to share what they had learned with others. Over 150 statements were provided to the Commission, adding to the documentation that will establish the truth of what happened in the schools. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission wishes to thank all of the participants who made the Regional Event in Victoria such a strong success. The TRC will return to British Columbia in September 2013 for the BC National Event in Vancouver. In the meantime, the planning continues for the Saskatchewan National Event (SNE) from June 21 to 24, 2012 in Saskatoon. Visit the Regional Event in Victoria website for more information. The next status update will be available on May 2, 2012.
Update for April 18, 2012 Fact Sheet – Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement The implementation of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (Settlement Agreement) began on September 19, 2007, following the agreement reached between legal counsel for former students, legal counsel for the Churches, the Assembly of First Nations, other Aboriginal organizations and the Government of Canada to achieve a fair and lasting resolution of the legacy of Indian Residential Schools. The Settlement Agreement includes the following measures to address the legacy of the Indian Residential School system:
For more information please visit the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada website. The next status update will be available on April 25, 2012.
Update for April 11, 2012: Community Hearings in Saskatchewan In preparation for the Saskatoon National Event, the TRC is holding Community Hearings across Saskatchewan. To find out more, please visit www.trc-cvr.ca.
The next status update will be available on April 18, 2012.
Update for April 4, 2012:
Two Institutions Added to the List of Indian Residential Schools
The Court has determined that two institutions in northwestern Ontario meet the eligibility criteria set out in Article 12 of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement and are now considered Indian Residential Schools under the Agreement:
The addition of these institutions brings the total number of Indian Residential Schools recognized in the Settlement Agreement to 138. As class members of the Settlement Agreement, former residents of these institutions can apply for the Common Experience Payment (CEP) until September 19, 2012 (this date was set by the Court). Former students and residents may also make an Independent Assessment Process (IAP) claim for compensation for sexual or serious physical abuse or other wrongful acts suffered at these schools. The deadline for submitting an IAP claim is September 19, 2012.
The next status update will be available on April 11, 2012.
Update for March 28, 2012:
Update for March 21, 2012: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to March 1, 2012:
The next status update will be available on March 28, 2012.
Update for March 14, 2012: The deadline for applying for the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) is September 19, 2012.
If you have already applied for the IAP, there is no need to submit a new Independent Assessment Process application.
You can add more information to your existing claim. To find out how, please call 1-877-635-2648.
Application forms or information can be found by contacting 1-877-635-2648 or on the Independent Assessment Process website.
If your address has changed since you applied for the IAP and you have not received correspondence since submitting your application, it is important that you advise the IAP Adjudication Secretariat of this change by calling 1-877-635-2648. With your permission, they will also ensure the change is noted at Service Canada if applicable.
Applicants can call 1-877-635-2648 for updates on their applications or visit the website for more information regarding the IAP process. The hours of operation for the IAP Information Line are Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. The next status update will be available on March 21, 2012.
Update for March 7, 2012: The World is Watching Thousands from across the world are tuning in to the live webcast being streamed from TRC Hearings. While Survivors are sharing their truth people from all over Canada and the globe are listening. Among the countries are USA, Spain, Greece, Japan, UK, Albania, Russian Federation, Netherlands, India, Mexico and Denmark. If you have a chance, please take some time to witness the statements being given. A schedule of upcoming hearings in Saskatchewan and British Columbia can be found at the following links: Vancouver Island Regional Hearings Fact Sheet Saskatchewan Regional Hearings Fact Sheet The next status update will be available on March 14, 2012.
The next status update will be available on March 7, 2012.
Update for February 22, 2012: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has provided updated statistics regarding the processing of Common Experience Payment applications. Please visit http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/ to view the information. The next status update will be available on February 29, 2012.
Update for February 15, 2012: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to February 1, 2012:
SHARE YOUR TRUTH In addition to the TRC Regional Event in Victoria, the TRC will hold four Community Hearings throughout Vancouver Island. Cowichan (details to be confirmed) A detailed schedule can be viewed in the Fact Sheet. The next status update will be available on February 22, 2012.
Update for February 8, 2012: Advocacy and Public Information Program Call For Proposals - Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has extended the Advocacy and Public Information Program (APIP) for the 2012-2013 fiscal year with an additional $3 million. This brings the total amount of funds committed for APIP to $25 million over 6 years. Since its launch in 2007-2008, APIP’s objectives have primarily focused on sharing information about the elements and application processes of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, specifically the Common Experience Payments (CEP) and the Independent Assessment Process (IAP). As of December 25th 2011, out of an expected 110,000 CEP applications, 104,699 have been received and out of an estimated 80,000 eligible CEP recipients, 77,708 have received a Common Experience Payment. These numbers are indicators of the success APIP partners have had to date in carrying out their outreach. APIP continues to play a key role in ensuring that the deadline for receiving IAP applications is well-communicated. In the 2011-2012 APIP criteria, partners were encouraged to begin working on reconciliation and partnerships with a particular focus on youth. Although much has been done with regard to promoting reconciliation and sharing information about the remaining elements of the Settlement Agreement, the efforts must continue. The focus for 2012-2013 APIP projects will be on the following:
For 2012-2013, APIP proposals must clearly indicate how they will achieve one or all of these objectives. For projects related to the first objective, the plan must describe existing networks and the process for distributing information to them. For projects related to the second objective they must identify the target group (eg. high school students), explain why you have chosen that target group and explain how the activities will result in promoting healing and reconciliations. For projects related to the third objective, the plan must clearly outline target audiences, any resources that will be used and activities planned for educating the selected audience. To find out more, please visit http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca. The next status update will be available on February 15, 2012.
Update for February 1, 2012: Commemoration Initiative Call for Proposals On January 27, 2012 The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada launched the second and final Commemoration Initiative Call for Proposals. The closing date for this Call for Proposals is 4 p.m. CT on March 30, 2012. For more information click here. To download the form; click here. The next status update will be available on February 8, 2012.
Update for January 25, 2012: New version of the Request for Expedited or High Priority Hearing form The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has developed an amended form for use by IAP claimants whose attested health status denotes that they are at risk of losing their capacity to provide the testimony that is critical to the IAP hearing process. For more information; click here. To download the form; click here. The next status update will be available on February 1, 2012.
Update for January 18, 2012: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to January 1, 2012:
The next status update will be available on January 25, 2012.
Update for January 11, 2012: An updated list of decisions regarding schools that were suggested is now available. Please click here to the view the list. To view the list of schools that are included in this Settlement, please click here. You may have to refresh your Internet browser to view the up-to-date pages.
Community Hearing Announced for Regina, SK In preparation for the Saskatchewan National Event to be held in Saskatoon in June 2012, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) will host its first of 12 Community Hearings at the First Nations University of Canada in Regina from January 16-18, 2012. The next status update will be available on January 18, 2012.
Update for January 4, 2012: Commemoration Commemoration is a component of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (Settlement Agreement) that will support regional and national activities that honour, educate, remember, memorialize and/or pay tribute to former Indian Residential School (IRS) students, their families and their communities. Twenty million dollars has been identified for funding to be disbursed over two fiscal years: $10 million in 2011/2012 and $10 million in 2012/2013. Commemoration Objectives
The main objectives of Commemoration are to:
For more information click here to visit the AANDC (Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada) website. The next status update will be available on January 11, 2012.
Update for December 28, 2011: The deadline for applying for the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) is September 19, 2012.
If you have already applied for the IAP, there is no need to submit a new Independent Assessment Process application.
You can add more information to your existing claim. To find out how, please call 1-877-635-2648. Application forms or information can be found by contacting 1-877-635-2648 or on the Independent Assessment Process website. If your address has changed since you applied for the IAP and you have not received correspondence since submitting your application, it is important that you advise the IAP Adjudication Secretariat of this change by calling 1-877-635-2648. With your permission, they will also ensure the change is noted at Service Canada if applicable. Applicants can call 1-877-635-2648 for updates on their applications or visit the website for more information regarding the IAP process. The hours of operation for the IAP Information Line are Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. The next status update will be available on January 4, 2012.
Update for December 21, 2011: Inuit Sub Commission Tour Baffin Region 2012
Now that the Northern and Atlantic National Events have passed the Inuit Sub Commission is focusing its efforts on getting to as many Inuit Communities as possible to collect statements from survivors and their families. For more information and to view the Baffin Tour Schedule click here to visit the TRC’s website. The next status update will be available on December 28, 2011.
Update for December 14, 2011: Regional Event Announced for Victoria, BC
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) held a press conference on December 13, 2011 with First Nations Leaders and Mayor Dean Fortin to announce that the TRC will host its first Regional Event, April 13-14, 2012 in the City of Victoria, BC. The TRC’s Regional Event in Victoria will provide more than 2,000 survivors from Vancouver Island (and adjacent islands) with the opportunity to reflect and share their experiences with the TRC. The next status update will be available on December 21, 2011.
Update for December 7, 2011: Advocacy and Public Information Program Call For Proposals - Fiscal Year 2011-2012
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has extended the Advocacy and Public Information Program (APIP) for the 2011-2012 fiscal year with an additional $4 million. This brings the total amount of funds committed for APIP to $22 million over 5 years. Since its launch in 2007-2008 APIP's objectives have primarily focused on sharing information about the elements and application process of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, specifically the Common Experience Payments and the Independent Assessment Process. As of September 12, 2011, out of an expected 110,000 applications, 102,310 have been received, and out of an expected 80,000 eligible CEP recipients, 77,394 have received a Common Experience Payment, these numbers are an indicator of the APIP partner's success to date in carrying out their outreach.
For 2011-2012, APIP proposals must clearly indicate how they will achieve one or all of these objectives. For projects related to the first objective, the plan must describe existing networks and the process for distributing information to them. For projects related to the second objective they must identify the target group (eg. high school students), explain why you have chosen that target group and explain how the activities will result in promoting healing and reconciliations. For projects related to the third objective, the plan must clearly outline target audiences, any resources that will be used and activities planned for educating the selected audience. Projects that link to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission are encouraged. To find out more, please visit http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1318901521698. The next status update will be available on December 14, 2011.
Update for November 30, 2011: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to November 1, 2011:
The next status update will be available on December 7, 2011.
Update for November 23, 2011:
TRC Announces Call for Submissions to Host National Research Centre Winnipeg, MB - The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) today posted the Call for Submissions to host the National Research Centre on residential schools. The establishment of the National Research Centre (NRC) will help to create the infrastructure that will house the permanent record of the residential school system in Canada. Read more The next status update will be available on November 30, 2011.
Update for November 16, 2011:
A new desk guide for legal counsel is now available The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has created a Desk Guide for Legal Counsel to help legal counsel and their staff work together with the Secretariat more effectively and efficiently. The desk guide is now available under publications. The next status update will be available on November 23, 2011.
Update for November 9, 2011:
The Role of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police During the Indian Residential School System This report is the first complete assessment of the RCMP’s involvement in the Indian Residential School (IRS) system. As the police force of jurisdiction in many areas where Indian Residential Schools were located, the RCMP sought to gain a better understanding of its role during this era. Read the Executive Summary of this report. The next status update will be available on November 16, 2011.
Update for November 2, 2011: TRC concludes Atlantic National Event in Halifax Halifax, NS – On October 29, 2011 the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) concluded its Atlantic National Event held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Residential School Survivors accompanied by their families, TRC Commissioners, church and government officials, school groups, invited guests and members of the general public attended the four-day gathering. TRC National Events provide public forums for all Canadians to hear and learn about the history and legacy of Residential Schools. Read more Video footage of the Atlantic National Event can be viewed here and here. The next status update will be available on November 9, 2011.
Update for October 26, 2011: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to October 1, 2011:
The next status update will be available on November 2, 2011.
Update for October 19, 2011: Atlantic National Event October 26-29, 2011 – Halifax Join the Commission for the third of seven National Events. All are welcome to the Halifax's World Trade and Convention Centre to bear witness, share their personal experiences and learn about the legacy of the Residential School system in the Atlantic and beyond. Please click here to find out more about the Atlantic National Event being held from October 26 to 29, 2011. The next status update will be available on October 26, 2011.
Update for October 12, 2011: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has provided updated statistics regarding the processing of Common Experience Payment applications. Please visit http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1315320539682 to view the information. The next status update will be available on October 19, 2011.
Update for October 5, 2011: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to September 1, 2011:
The next status update will be available on October 12, 2011.
Update for September 28, 2011:
Important Notice: The Common Experience Payment application deadline has passed. Late applications will be accepted until September 19, 2012 in cases of disability, undue hardship and exceptional circumstances, and must include a written reason for the delay in application. For more information, you can call the CEP line at 1-866-699-1742 (TTY: 1-800-926-9105) or visit a Service Canada Centre. CEP Claim forms containing a section where you can provide a written reason for the delay in application are available by download at www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca or www.servicecanada.ca. You may also get one in person by visiting any Service Canada location or you may request one be mailed to you by calling 1-866-699-1742 or 1-866-879-4913. The next status update will be available on October 5, 2011.
Update for September 21, 2011:
Due to system upgrades, the Help Desk will be temporarily unavailable commencing on Friday September 23rd, 2011 at 2 p.m. EDT. Normal Help Desk service will resume as of Monday September 26th, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. EDT. During this period, email and website access may also be affected. We apologize for the inconvenience. The next status update will be available on September 28, 2011.
Update for September 14, 2011: The deadline for applying for the Common Experience Payment (“CEP”) is September 19, 2011. If you have already applied for the CEP, there is no need to submit a new Common Experience Payment application. If you know someone who attended an Indian Residential School, but has not yet applied for the CEP, please let them know of the deadline. Application forms or information can be found by contacting 1-866-879-4913 or on Service Canada's website. If your address has changed since you applied for the CEP and you have not received correspondence since submitting your application, it is important that you advise the CEP Response Centre of this change by calling 1-866-565-4526. With your permission, they will also ensure the change is noted at Service Canada. Applicants can call 1-866-565-4526 for updates on their applications or visit the website for more information regarding the CEP process. The hours of operation for the help desk are Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.
Due to system upgrades, the Help Desk will be temporarily unavailable commencing on Friday September 23rd, 2011 at 2 p.m. EDT. Normal Help Desk service will resume as of Monday September 26th, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. EDT. During this period, email and website access may also be affected. We apologize for the inconvenience. The next status update will be available on September 21, 2011.
Update for September 7, 2011: The deadline for applying for the Common Experience Payment (“CEP”) is September 19, 2011. If you have already applied for the CEP, there is no need to submit a new Common Experience Payment application. If you know someone who attended an Indian Residential School, but has not yet applied for the CEP, please let them know of the deadline. Application forms or information can be found by contacting 1-866-879-4913 or on Service Canada's website. If your address has changed since you applied for the CEP and you have not received correspondence since submitting your application, it is important that you advise the CEP Response Centre of this change by calling 1-866-565-4526. With your permission, they will also ensure the change is noted at Service Canada. Applicants can call 1-866-565-4526 for updates on their applications or visit the website for more information regarding the CEP process. The hours of operation for the help desk are Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.
Share Your Truth TRC Announces Atlantic Hearings In preparation for the Atlantic National Event from October 26-29 in Halifax, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) will host its first of six Atlantic Hearings at Government House in Fredericton on Thursday, September 8, 2011. To find out more about the Fredericton Hearing, please click here. The next status update will be available on September 14, 2011.
Update for August 31, 2011: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to August 1, 2011:
The next status update will be available on September 7, 2011.
Update for August 24, 2011: The deadline for applying for the Common Experience Payment (“CEP”) is September 19, 2011. If you have already applied for the CEP, there is no need to submit a new Common Experience Payment application. If you know someone who attended an Indian Residential School, but has not yet applied for the CEP, please let them know of the deadline. Application forms or information can be found by contacting 1-866-879-4913 or on Service Canada's website. If your address has changed since you applied for the CEP and you have not received correspondence since submitting your application, it is important that you advise the CEP Response Centre of this change by calling 1-866-565-4526. With your permission, they will also ensure the change is noted at Service Canada. Applicants can call 1-866-565-4526 for updates on their applications or visit the website for more information regarding the CEP process. The hours of operation for the help desk are Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. The next status update will be available on August 31, 2011.
Update for August 17, 2011: TRC Atlantic Hearings Begin September 8 In preparation for the Atlantic National Event (ANE) in Halifax (October 26-29) the TRC will hold hearings across the Atlantic region to give Residential School Survivors the opportunity to Share their Truth: To find out more, please visit www.trc-cvr.ca. The next status update will be available on August 24, 2011.
Update for August 10, 2011: New versions of the IAP Application Form and Guide are now available
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has just released a new version of the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) Application Form and Application Guide. The new versions (Version 3.0) are available as a PDF download in the “Publications” section of the IAP website. The next status update will be available on August 17, 2011.
Update for August 3, 2011: A new request form for Expedited / High Priority Hearings is now available on the IAP website
An amended 'Request for Expedited Hearing or High Priority Hearing due to Failing Health' form is now available on the IAP website. This form is for use by claimants whose health places them at risk of losing their capacity to provide the testimony that is critical to the IAP hearing process.
To view the form please visit the IAP website: http://www.iap-pei.ca/pub-eng.asp.
The next status update will be available on August 10, 2011.
Update for July 27, 2011: The deadline for applying for the Common Experience Payment (“CEP”) is September 19, 2011. If you have already applied for the CEP, there is no need to submit a new Common Experience Payment application. If you know someone who attended an Indian Residential School, but has not yet applied for the CEP, please let them know of the deadline. Application forms or information can be found by contacting 1-866-879-4913 or on Service Canada's website. If your address has changed since you applied for the CEP and you have not received correspondence since submitting your application, it is important that you advise the CEP Response Centre of this change by calling 1-866-565-4526. With your permission, they will also ensure the change is noted at Service Canada. Applicants can call 1-866-565-4526 for updates on their applications or visit the website for more information regarding the CEP process. The hours of operation for the help desk are Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. The next status update will be available on August 3, 2011.
Update for July 20, 2011: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to July 01, 2011:
The next status update will be available on July 27, 2011.
Update for July 13, 2011: Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat 2010 Annual Report The 2010 Annual Report of the Chief Adjudicator to the Independent Assessment Process Oversight Committee is now available online. To find out more, please visit www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on July 20, 2011.
Update for July 6, 2011: Commissioners of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), together with Residential School survivors, government and church leaders, Canadians and international witnesses gathered in Inuvik, NWT last week for the second TRC National Event. To find out more, please visit www.trc.ca. The next status update will be available on July 13, 2011.
Update for June 29, 2011: INAC - Change of Name Effective June 13, 2011 Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (”INAC”) has changed its name to: English: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) French: Affaires autochtones et Développement du Nord Canada (AADNC) For more information on this change please click here. The next status update will be available on July 6, 2011.
Update for June 22, 2011: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to June 01, 2011:
The next status update will be available on June 29, 2011.
Update for June 15, 2011: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has provided updated statistics regarding the processing of Common Experience Payment applications. Please visit http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ai/rqpi/stats/index-eng.asp to view the information. The next status update will be available on June 22, 2011.
Update for June 8, 2011: An updated list of decisions regarding schools that were suggested is now available. Please click here to the view the list. To view the list of schools that are included in this Settlement, please click here. You may have to refresh your Internet browser to view the up-to-date pages. The next status update will be available on June 15, 2011.
Update for June 1, 2011: The Northern National Event will take place in Inuvik, Northwest Territories from June 28, 2011 to July 1, 2011. Highlights will include: Opening Ceremony, Lighting of the Sacred Fire, Sharing Circles, Private Statement Gathering, a Daily Commemoration Ceremony, Educational Films, Programming for Youth, Main stage Performances, Gestures of Reconciliation, Exhibits, and Artistic Expressions. To find out more, please visit www.trcnationalevents.ca. The next status update will be available on June 8, 2011.
Update for May 25, 2011: There is nothing new to report since the last update. The next status update will be available on June 1, 2011.
Update for May 18, 2011: The deadline for applying for the Common Experience Payment (“CEP”) is September 19, 2011. Beginning March 2011 noticing regarding the upcoming CEP deadline will commence.
If you have already applied for the CEP, there is no need to submit a new Common Experience Payment application. If you know someone who attended an Indian Residential School, but has not yet applied for the CEP, please let them know of the deadline. Application forms or information can be found by contacting 1-866-879-4913 or on Service Canada's website. If your address has changed since you applied for the CEP and you have not received correspondence since submitting your application, it is important that you advise the CEP Response Centre of this change by calling 1-866-565-4526. With your permission, they will also ensure the change is noted at Service Canada. Applicants can call 1-866-565-4526 for updates on their applications or visit the website for more information regarding the CEP process. The hours of operation for the help desk are Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. The next status update will be available on May 25, 2011.
Update for May 11, 2011: In preparation for the Northern National Event in June, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) will host three Northern Hearings in the Yukon Territory beginning on May 24. To find out more, please visit www.trc.ca. The next status update will be available on May 18, 2011.
Update for May 4, 2011:
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is seeking candidates to fill two (2) PM-03 Statement Coordinator positions. The positions are located in Thunder Bay and Edmonton. The deadline to apply for both positions is May 11, 2011. To find out more, please visit www.trc.ca, or call the toll free number 1-888-872-5554.
The next status update will be available on May 11, 2011.
Update for April 27, 2011:
TRC Chair Talks to "The Agenda with Steve Paiken"
Justice Murray Sinclair, Chair of the TRC, sat down with Steve Paiken of TV Ontario to discuss the Commission, its mandate and the work being done.
The next status update will be available on May 4, 2011.
Update for April 20, 2011:
In preparation for the Northern National Event in June, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) will host its first of seven NWT hearings at the Multiplex in Yellowknife on Thursday April 14, 2011.
To find out more, please visit www.trc.ca.
The next status update will be available on April 27, 2011.
Update for April 13, 2011:
The Supreme Court of British Columbia has issued a ruling regarding IAP Legal Fee Appeals. To read the ruling click here
The next status update will be available on April 20, 2011.
Update for April 06, 2011: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to March 01, 2011:
The next status update will be available on April 13, 2011.
Update for March 30, 2011:
The TRC began the Northern Hearings on March 14, 2011 in Inukjuak, Quebec. To read about the hearings which took place on March 14th and 15th please click here.
The next status update will be available on April 06, 2011.
Update for March 23, 2011: The deadline for applying for the Common Experience Payment (“CEP”) is September 19, 2011. Beginning March 2011 noticing regarding the upcoming CEP deadline will commence. If you have already applied for the CEP, there is no need to submit a new Common Experience Payment application. If you know someone who attended an Indian Residential School, but has not yet applied for the CEP, please let them know of the deadline. Application forms or information can be found by contacting 1-866-879-4913 or on Service Canada's website. If your address has changed since you applied for the CEP and you have not received correspondence since submitting your application, it is important that you advise the CEP Response Centre of this change by calling 1-866-565-4526. With your permission, they will also ensure the change is noted at Service Canada. Applicants can call 1-866-565-4526 for updates on their applications or visit the website for more information regarding the CEP process. The hours of operation for the help desk are Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.
The next status update will be available on March 30, 2011.
Update for March 16, 2011: The Court has issued direction regarding the review of legal fees as they pertain to the IAP. To view the legal document, please click here. The next status update will be available on March 23, 2011.
Update for March 2, 2011:
The deadline for applying for the Common Experience Payment (“CEP”) is September 19, 2011. Beginning March 2011 noticing regarding the upcoming CEP deadline will commence. If you have already applied for the CEP, there is no need to submit a new Common Experience Payment application. If you know someone who attended an Indian Residential School, but has not yet applied for the CEP, please let them know of the deadline. Application forms or information can be found by contacting 1-866-879-4913 or on Service Canada's website. If your address has changed since you applied for the CEP and you have not received correspondence since submitting your application, it is important that you advise the CEP Response Centre of this change by calling 1-866-565-4526. With your permission, they will also ensure the change is noted at Service Canada. Applicants can call 1-866-565-4526 for updates on their applications or visit the website for more information regarding the CEP process. The hours of operation for the help desk are Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.
The next status update will be available on March 23, 2011.
Update for February 23, 2011 :
Call for Proposals – INAC Announces $4 Million for APIP
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has extended the Advocacy and Public Information Program (APIP) for the 2011-2012 fiscal year with an additional $4 million. The goals of this fifth year of APIP funding are to support healing and reconciliation with a particular focus on youth and inter-generational issues; to promote a better understanding of the impacts of the legacy of Indian Residential Schools; and to build new partnerships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.
To find out more, please visit www.trc.ca
The next status update will be available on March 02, 2011.
Update for February 16, 2011: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to January 31, 2011:
Total number of claims In Progress: 10,130 Total number of claims Withdrawn and/or Ineligible: 2,018 Total number of ADR/IAP Settled and Decisions Rendered : 7,636
The next status update will be available on February 23, 2011.
Update for February 09, 2011:
Group IAP offers an opportunity a former student to advance through the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) with other former students as a group. Groups admitted to the IAP can be provided contribution funding to pay for support during the process. How It Works: Former students who share similarities (such as attendance at a school or belonging to a community) can apply to proceed through the IAP as a group. Each member must first apply individually to the IAP, in the same manner as any other claimant. Once admitted to the IAP, the claimants must submit a Resolution Plan to proceed through the IAP as a group. The Resolution Plan:
To receive funding, the group designates an incorporated organization to manage its Group IAP initiative. The funding may reach $3,500 per group member For Further information, please visit www.iap-pei.c The next status update will be available on February 16, 2011.
Update for February 02, 2011:
New Website Feature: Outreach Calendar of Events A new feature has been added to the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) website to help inform the public of their outreach unit and their upcoming events and information sessions. The Outreach Calendar of Events can be found on the IAP website on their menu to the left under their Newsroom heading. To view the Calendar of Events, please visit http://www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on February 09, 2011.
Update for January 26, 2011:
Sharing Truth – Creating a National Research Centre on Residential Schools – Mark your calendars! The TRC will host a visioning conference in Vancouver, March 1-3, 2011 at Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre.
For further conference details, please visit www.trc.ca The next status update will be available on February 02, 2011.
Update for January 19, 2011 : TRC Commissioners have announced plans for Northern Hearings. These hearings, beginning March 15 in Inukjuak, QC, will be an opportunity for residents of 19 northern communities to share their residential school experience with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Click here for details. The next status update will be available on January 26, 2011.
Update for January 12, 2011: The Advocacy and Public Information Program : Following a Call for Proposals issued on May 7, 2010, and subsequent review process, the 19 projects were selected for federal government funding under the $4 million Advocacy and Public Information Program Fund. To view these 19 projects, please visit: http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ai/rqpi/adynpip/apip-eng.asp The next status update will be available on January 19, 2011.
Update for January 05, 2011: The TRC has issued a Call for Proposals for its Commemoration Initiative. The next status update will be available on January 12, 2011.
Update for December 29, 2010:
The former Claimant Hearing Preferences form has been replaced by the new form, “Logistical Requirements for hearings in the Independent Assessment Process (IAP).”
The Short Form Decision Form has also been updated. Please visit the Publications page on the IAP website to download the new forms.
Both forms can be found at www.iap-pei.ca The next status update will be available on January 05, 2011.
Update for December 22, 2010:
Help Desk Holiday Hours
The IAP info line will be closed Monday, December 27, Tuesday December 28, 2010 and Monday, January 3, 2011. The Residential School Information Line, CEP Response Line and NAC Appeals line will be open Friday, December 24, 2010 to Monday, January 3, 2011 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. The help desk will return to their normal hours of 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday, January 4, 2011. The IAP Information Line will resume their regular hours from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. The next status update will be available on December 29, 2010.
Update for December 21, 2010:
CEP and IAP Claim Form Deadlines: The deadline for submitting an application for the Common Experience Payment (CEP) is September 19, 2011. The CEP is paid to eligible former students who resided at a listed Indian Residential School. Eligible former students receive $10,000 for their first year (or part thereof) of their attendance at a listed Indian Residential School plus $3,000 for each additional year (or part thereof). The deadline for submitting an application for the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) is September 19, 2012. The Independent Assessment Process (IAP) is a claimant-centred, non-adversarial, out of court process for the resolution of claims of sexual abuse, serious physical abuse, and other wrongful acts suffered at Indian Residential Schools (IRS). For more information regarding the CEP and IAP, please view the Detailed Notice found on this website by clicking here. CEP Application forms are available for download by clicking here. IAP Application forms are available for download by clicking here.
New Schools Added to the Settlement Agreement: Two new schools have been added to the approved list of Residential Schools in the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement: 1.
Wawanosh Home (Ontario) for the period of January 1, 1879 to August 5, 1892 If you lived at a school that is not on the approved list of Residential Schools in the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement, you may request that the school be added to the settlement by clicking here. Only schools that meet the eligibility criteria as set out in Article 12 of the Settlement Agreement will be added to the list. To view Article 12 (page 62), please click here. The next status update will be available on December 22, 2010.
Update for December 15, 2010:
National Research Centre Conference Sharing Truth - Creating a National Research Centre on Residential Schools- Mark your calendars! The TRC will host a visioning conference in Vancouver, March 2-4, 2011 at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre. The next status update will be available on December 22, 2010.
Update for December 08, 2010: Health Support Services for Former Indian Residential Schools Students An Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line (1-866-925-4419) is available 24 hours a day for anyone experiencing pain or distress as a result of his or her residential school experience. You can also call the Crisis Line to get information on other health supports provided by the Health Canada Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program . Please also note, the list of decisions on the Official Court website has been updated. Please visit www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca to view the list.
The next status update will be available on December 15, 2010.
Update for December 01, 2010:
Finding Forgiveness and Healing in Thunder Bay
Survivors of the Residential Schools experience who came forward to share their often painful, emotional truths with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission at a community gathering in Thunder Bay, Ontario took another important step this week on the journey of healing and finding forgiveness. For further information on this gathering, please visit www.trc.ca The next status update will be available on December 8, 2010.
Update for November 24, 2010:
Endorsement of UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Brings Canadians Closer to ReconciliationCanada has taken another step in improving the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians by signing onto the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), according to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC). For further information please click here. The next status update will be available on December 1, 2010.
Update for November 17, 2010:
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed from September 19, 2007 to October 31, 2010:
Total number of claims In Progress: 9,719 Total number of claims Withdrawn and/or Ineligible: 1,991 Total number of ADR/IAP Settled and Decisions Rendered: 6,817
The next status update will be available on November 24, 2010.
Update for November 10, 2010:
Please be aware of the following deadlines:
The deadline for applying for the Common Experience Payment is September 19, 2011
The deadline for applying for the Independent Assessment Process is September 19, 2012.
Forms are available at www.irsr-rqpi.gc.ca or by calling 1-866-879-4913.
The next status update will be available on November 17, 2010.
Update for November 03, 2010: The TRC has issued a Request for Proposals. The RFP is solicitation number 2H002-100031/A and can be found on the MERX system http://www.merx.com. For further information, please visit www.trc.ca. The next status update will be available on November 10, 2010.
Update for October 27, 2010 :
The people of TRC are out and about in communities from coast to coast to coast-collecting statements, listening to people and educating Canadians about the shared history and legacy of the Residential School System. We've posted a list of past and upcoming TRC events. Please visit www.trc.ca to find out more.
The next status update will be available on November 03, 2010.
Update for October 20, 2010:
Please be aware of the following deadlines :
The deadline for applying for the Common Experience Payment is September 19, 2011
The deadline for applying for the Independent Assessment Process is September 19, 2012.
The next status update will be available on October 27, 2010.
Update for October 13, 2010:
There is nothing new to report since the last update. The next status update will be available on October 20, 2010.
Update for October 6, 2010:
Event: McGill School of Social Work Lecture
The next status update will be available on October 13, 2010.
Update for September 29, 2010:
On Tuesday, September 28, Chair of the TRC Justice Murray Sinclair, and Commissioners Marie Wilson and Wilton Littlechild appeared before the committee to provide an update on the progress toward commitments made in the Government’s 2008 Apology to survivors of the Residential School System. The next status update will be available on October 6, 2010.
Update for September 22, 2010:
Earlier today, Commissioner Wilton Littlechild expressed support for the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' (EMRIP) proposal to organize an International Expert Group Seminar on Truth and Reconciliation processes to the 15th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. To read more please click here. The next status update will be available on September 29, 2010.
Statement Gathering Pilot ProjectA new pilot project launched in Winnipeg will make it easier for survivors to share their experience about Residential Schools. To read more please visit : www.trc.ca The next status update will be available on September 22, 2010.
Update for September 8, 2010 There is nothing new to report since the last update. The next status update will be available on September 15, 2010.
Update for September 1, 2010:
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed:
The next status update will be available on September 8, 2010.
Update for August 25, 2010:
Regional Liaison Job Competition- As advertised in late June and early July, the TRC is hiring seven Regional Liaison Officers. Interviews for these positions will be taking place throughout September for all seven locations: Vancouver, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Montreal, and Yellowknife. All those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted by September 10th. The TRC wishes to thank everyone for their interest in the position but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. To learn more, please visit www.trc.ca The next status update will be available on September 01, 2010.
Update for August 18, 2010:
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has posted the following Upcoming Community Events on their website: The Traditional Road: The Path to Wellness Youth and Family at Risk To learn more about these events, please visit www.trc.ca
The next status update will be available on August 25, 2010.
Update for August 11, 2010:
The University of Winnipeg is now accepting applications for two new scholarships valued at $5,000 each, created to honour and support Indigenous students who are descendants of survivors of residential schools or who themselves are residential school survivors. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Scholarship will be awarded annually to one male and one female student. To learn more, please visit www.trc.ca The next status update will be available on August 18, 2010.
Update for August 04, 2010:
Commissioners and staff of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission were saddened to learn of the passing of Edward Gamblin of Norway House Cree Nation, Manitoba. Edward’s experience of survival and personal reconciliation was recently shared and for that, we are very grateful. We offer heartfelt condolences to his loved ones. For further information on this story, please visit www.trc.ca
The next status update will be available on August 11, 2010.
Update for July 28, 2010:
Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair Speaks at AFN Annual General AssemblyThe Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair provides an update on TRC activities and presents a video of the Winnipeg National Event. To view please visit www.trc.ca.
The next status update will be available on August 4, 2010.
Update for July 21, 2010:
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed:
Secondly, The Law Society of Saskatchewan has advised that they no longer offer a Lawyer Referral Service. A complete list of lawyers who are practicing in the Province of Saskatchewan is available by visiting: http://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/. The next status update will be available on July 28, 2010.
Update for July 14, 2010 Harmony: Song and Celebration at The ForksCBC Manitoba will be airing a special presentation this Saturday, July 17 at 7pm. Harmony: Song and Celebration at The Forks was filmed at the TRC National Event in Winnipeg this past June. The performance features artists such as Buffy Sainte-Marie, Tamara Podemski, Murray Porter, and others in a musical tribute to survivors of residential schools. Click here for more information.
The next status update will be available on July 21, 2010.
Update for July 07, 2010 Information Update on the Common Experience Payment
The Common Experience Payment (CEP) is one element of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. The court-approved Settlement Agreement was implemented on September 19, 2007, and was negotiated by representatives from various Aboriginal organizations, church entities, legal representatives for former students, and the Government of Canada. The CEP is paid to eligible former students who resided at a listed Indian Residential School. Eligible former students receive $10,000 for their first year (or part thereof) of their attendance at a listed Indian Residential School plus $3,000 for each additional year (or part thereof).
For Further information please visit www.ainc-inac.gc.ca
The next status update will be available on July 14, 2010.
Update for June 30, 2010:
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission will be hiring seven Regional Liaisons across the country. Click here for more details and how to apply.
The next status update will be available on July 7, 2010.
Update for June 23, 2010:
There are two new fact sheets available giving an overview of the IAP as it currently stands in the Information Sheets section. These sheets can be viewed at http://www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on June 30, 2010.
Update for June 16, 2010:
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed:
The next status update will be available on June 23, 2010.
Update for June 9, 2010:
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada is sponsoring research on : -the history of the residential school system; -the system’s ongoing impacts on Aboriginal individuals, families and communities; -reconciliation at individual, community and national levels amongst Aboriginal people and between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians. For more information, click here.
The next status update will be available on June 16, 2010.
Update for June 2, 2010: The next status update will be available on June 9, 2010. |
Update for May 26, 2010 There is nothing new to report since the last update. The next status update will be available on June 2, 2010.
Update for May 19, 2010:
Call Letter - Fiscal Year 2010-2011 The deadline for submitting proposals is May 31, 2010.
The Advocacy and Public Information Program initiative was launched in 2007-2008 and a great deal of success has been achieved since then with regard to the program's objectives. Over 99,000 Common Experience Payment and over 12,000 Independent Assessment Process applications have been received. However, there still remain pockets of former Residential School students who have not yet been informed of benefits that may be available to them. In addition, there remains much work to be done with regard to reconciliation and working towards a new partnership between the government and Aboriginal peoples and between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples. For further information about submitting a proposal, please visit
The next status update will be available on May 26, 2010.
Update for May 12, 2010: The next status update will be available on May 19, 2010.
Update for May 05, 2010:
Update for April 21, 2010:
Service Canada offers information on select programs and services in Aboriginal languages as well as in English. For options please visit http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/about/publication/aboriginal.
The next status update will be available on April 28, 2010.
Update for April 14, 2010:
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has posted details of the Common Experience Payment process; from the initial Application to Appeal. The entire posting can be viewed at http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ai/rqpi/cep/ov/index-eng.asp.
The next status update will be available on April 21, 2010.
Update for April 7, 2010:
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has provided updated statistics regarding the processing of Common Experience Payment applications. Please visit http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ai/rqpi/cep/st/index-eng.asp to view the information.
The next status update will be available on April 14, 2010.
Update for March 31, 2010: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed: Total number of claims received as of February 8, 2010: 14,879 Total Compensation as of February 8, 2010: $324,987,897 The update can be viewed at http://www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on April 7, 2010.
Update for March 24, 2010:
New operating hours for the CEP Response Centre, Residential Schools Information Line and NAC Appeals Information Line will be:
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 9:00pm EST
Operating hours for the IAP Information Line will be:
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 8:00pm EST
Statutory Holidays excluded.
Applicants are reminded that the National Indian Residential School Crisis Line will still be open 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week. The Crisis Line can be reached at 1-866-925-4419.
Meeting minutes of NAC Proceedings has been added to the National Administration Committee web site. Please visit http://www.classactionservices.ca/irs/NAC/nac_main.htm and click the NAC Proceedings link.
The next status update will be available on March 31, 2010.
Update for March 17, 2010: The IAP Secretariat is currently experiencing problems with the fillable forms and hopes to have them back online as soon as possible. For more information please visit http://www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on March 24, 2010.
Update for March 10, 2010: The National Administration Committee has updated their web page on the Official Court website to include a section called “NAC Proceedings – a summary of issues and decisions dealt with by the National Administration Committee”. The section will provide a summary of what occurred at each meeting organized by meeting date. To view the new section, please click here. The next status update will be available on March 17, 2010.
Update for March 3, 2010: A CEP Court Appeals page has been added to the Indian Residential Schools Official Court website. The site contains the CEP Court Appeal Form, which may only be used when: a) Your PRIOR Appeal to the National Administration Committee (NAC) was NOT SUCCESSFUL; and, b) Your Appeal to the Court of the NAC decision relates to a school or schools listed in the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement ("Settlement"). Please visit http://www.classactionservices.ca/irs/court_appeals/court_appeals.htm. The next status update will be available on March 10, 2010.
Update for February 24, 2010:
Update for February 17, 2010: There are no updates regarding either the IAP or CEP. Please return to this site on a regular basis to stay up-to-date on information regarding your claim. The next status update will be available on February 24, 2010.
Update for February 10, 2010:
Update for February 3, 2010: The Aboriginal Healing Foundation (AHF) was established in 1998 to provide programs and services that address the experiences of survivors of Indian Residential Schools, their families and communities. The Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement will provide $125 million over five years to the AHF to continue their work in supporting about 144 healing programs for former students across Canada. The next status update will be available on February 10, 2010.
Update for January 27, 2010: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has announced the appointment of four new directors. The full posting can be viewed at http://www.trc-cvr.ca. The next status update will be available on February 3, 2010.
Update for January 20, 2010: The IAP Secretariat has posted details regarding Short Form Decisions. All documents pertaining to Short Forms can be viewed at http://www.iap-pei.ca/index-eng.asp. Schedule changes regarding IAP hearings in British Columbia have also been announced in preparation for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Details can also be found at http://www.iap-pei.ca/nwz-is-20100120-eng.asp. The next status update will be available on January 27, 2010.
Update for January 13, 2010:
Update for January 06, 2010: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has announced that the Truth and Reconciliation Canada's Memory Book is now available in electronic format. The Memory Book is a guide for Canadians who want to share their residential school experiences with the TRC. More information is available at http://www.trc-cvr.ca/new.html. The next status update will be available on January 13, 2010.
Update for December 30, 2009:
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed:
Total Compensation as of December 15, 2009: $267,741,534
The Truth and Reconcilation Commission has announced the opening of a new office in Winnepeg, Manitoba and the appointment of a new Executive Director. The full announcement can be viewed at http://www.trc-cvr.ca/new.html. The next status update will be available on January 6, 2010.
Update for December 23, 2009: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has announced the date for the first national TRC event in Winnipeg, Manitoba on June 15, 2010. The event will take place at the Forks, a historical gathering place for Aboriginal people. Details can be seen at http://www.trc-cvr.ca. Operating hours for the CEP Response Centre and Residential Schools Information Line will be as follows: 8am – 11pm EST, 7 days-a-week including holidays. The IAP Information Line will operate 8am - 8pm EST, Monday to Friday, statutory holidays excluded. The next status update will be available on December 30, 2009.
Update for December 16, 2009: The Indian Residential Schools Court Documents page has been updated and features several documents that may be of interest to settlement claimants. To view the Court Documents please click here. The next status update will be available on December 23, 2009.
Update for December 9, 2009: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) has posted a review of the actions they have taken since starting on the path to healing in June 2009. The article can be viewed at http://www.trc-cvr.ca/new. The next status update will be available on December 16, 2009.
Update for December 2, 2009:
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) will be hosting an event on December 11 between 5pm – 7pm at Bennett Lecture Hall at the University of Toronto. The Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair will be attending to speak to the assembled guests. The event is open to the public and admission is free. More details can be found at http://www.trc-cvr.ca. The TRC has also instituted a new toll-free phone line which is 1-888-TRC-5554. The next status update will be available on December 9, 2009.
Update for November 25, 2009: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has provided updated statistics regarding the processing of Common Experience Payment applications. Please visit http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ai/rqpi/cep/st/index-eng.asp to view the information. The next status update will be available on December 2, 2009.
Update for November 18, 2009: There is nothing new to report since the last update. The next status update will be available on November 25, 2009.
Update for November 11, 2009:
The Indian Residential Schools Court Documents page will be receiving an update within the next week which will feature several documents that may be of interest to settlement claimants. To view the Court Documents please click here. The next status update will be available on November 18, 2009.
Update for November 4, 2009: There is nothing new to report since the last update. The next status update will be available on November 11, 2009.
Update for October 28, 2009: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has provided updated statistics regarding the processing of Common Experience Payment applications. Please visit http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ai/rqpi/cep/st/index-eng.asp to view the information. The next status update will be available on November 4, 2009.
Update for October 21, 2009: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada’s Media Room posts regular updates regarding issues of interest to Aboriginal Canadians, including Aboriginal success stories from across the country and background material on the latest news.
The next status update will be available on October 28, 2009.
Update for October 14, 2009:
The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed:
The next status update will be available on October 21, 2009.
Update for October 7, 2009: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has posted an oath to all survivors of Indian Residential Schools on behalf of Commissioners Chief Wilton Littlechild, Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair and Marie Wilson. The full posting can be viewed at http://www.trc-cvr.ca. The next status update will be available on October 14, 2009.
Update for September 30, 2009: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has provided updated statistics regarding the processing of Common Experience Payment applications. Please visit http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ai/rqpi/cep/st/index-eng.asp to view the information. The next status update will be available on October 7, 2009.
Update for September 23, 2009: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) has created the Advocacy and Public Information Program (APIP) which encourages partnership between INAC and Aboriginal communities, including information in regards to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. More information can be found at http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ai/rqpi/adynpip/index-eng.asp. The next status update will be available on September 30, 2009.
Update for September 9, 2009: There is nothing new to report since the last update. The next status update will be available on September 23, 2009.
Update for September 2, 2009: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted suggestions to assist claimants and/or their legal counsel in moving cases to an IAP hearing as quickly as possible. The full posting can be viewed at http://www.iap-pei.ca/fs-hear-exp-eng.asp.The next status update will be available on September 9, 2009.
Update for August 26, 2009: The List of Decisions regarding the schools that have been suggested has been updated. To view the list, please click here. The next status update will be available on September 2, 2009.
Update for August 19, 2009: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has updated the Frequently Asked Questions section of the web site, including important instructions on how to file an IAP application on behalf of a deceased residential school survivor. The full posting can be viewed at http://www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on August 26, 2009.
Update for August 12, 2009: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has posted the members of the newly formed Indian Residential School Survivor Committee. The full posting can be viewed at http://www.trc-cvr.ca. The next status update will be available on August 19, 2009.
Update for August 5, 2009:
Update for July 29, 2009: The Truth and Reconcilation Commission has posted a link to the 1000 Conversations web site,where survivors can share their stories of survival in the hope of stimulating healing and reconciliation. 1000 Conversations was founded by the Legacy of Hope Foundation and Native Counseling Services of Alberta. Please visit 1000 Conversations at http://www.1000Conversations.ca. The next status update will be available on August 5, 2009.
Update for July 22, 2009: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has posted news regarding the formation of an Indian Residential School Survivor Committee. The full news release can be viewed at http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ai/mr/nr/m-a2009/nr000000399-eng.asp. The next status update will be available on July 29, 2009.
Update for July 16, 2009: The Indian Residential Schools Secretariat has posted instructions pertaining to the use of Pre-Hearing Teleconferences to determine eligibility for the Independent Assessment Process. The full article can be found at http://www.iap-pei.ca/fs-hear-pht-eng.asp?action=iappeih. The next status update will be available on July 22, 2009.
Update for July 8, 2009: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has provided details to the Commemoration Initiative. The Initiative is one component of the Settlement Agreement and provides former students, their families and their communities the opportunity to:
The full article can be found at http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ai/rqpi/rcomm/index-eng.asp. The next status update will be available on July 15, 2009.
Update for July 2, 2009: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has provided updated statistics regarding the processing of Common Experience Payment applications. Click here to view the information. The next status update will be available on July 8, 2009.
Update for June 24, 2009: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed: Total number of claims received as of June 11, 2009: 11,363 Total Compensation as of June 11, 2009: $159,533,140 The update can be viewed at http://www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on July 2, 2009.
Update for June 17, 2009: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has announced the appointment of the new Chairperson and Commissioners, the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair, Marie Wilson and Chief Wilton Littlechild were named Chairperson and Commissioners respectively on June 10, 2009. The full press release can be viewed at http://www.trc-cvr.ca. The next status update will be available on June 24, 2009.
Update for June 10, 2009: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has published the first of a quarterly newsletter in conjunction with the first anniversary of the Government of Canada’s apology to former students of Indian Residential Schools. It can be viewed at http://www.trc-cvr.ca/pdf/TRC_News_Spring09.pdf. Parting TRC commissioners Claudette Dumont-Smith and Jane Morley have posted parting observations regarding the TRC. The closing statement can be viewed at http://www.trc-cvr.ca/closing_statement.html. The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed: Total number of claims received as of May 10, 2009: 11,075 Total Compensation as of May 10, 2009: $143,403,261 The update can be viewed at http://www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on June 17, 2009.
Update for June 8, 2009:
The National Day of Reconciliation will take place on Thursday June 11, 2009 on Victoria Island in British Columbia and in Ottawa, Ontario. For more information please click here. The next status update will be available on June 10, 2009.
Update for June 3, 2009:
The following Help Desks are available seven days-a-week (including holidays), from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm Eastern Standard Time: Residential School Information Line: 1-866-879-4913 CEP Response Line: 1-866-565-4526 NAC Appeals: 1-866-879-4916 Information Line: 1-866-879-4914 The following Help Desk is available Monday to Friday (excluding holidays), from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time: IAP Information Line: 1-877-635-2648 The next status update will be available on June 10, 2009.
Update for May 20, 2009: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed: Total number of claims received as of May 10, 2009: 11,075 Total Compensation as of May 10, 2009: $143,403,261 The update can be viewed at http://www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on June 3, 2009.
Update for May 13, 2009: Contact information for the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat (IAP), the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and Indian Northern Affairs Canada )INAC) is as follows: IAP 1-866-879-4913 info@iap-pei.ca TRC 1-866-879-4913 trc-cvr@trc-cvr.ca INAC 1-800-567-9604 InfoPubs@ainc-inac.gc.ca The next status update will be available on May 20, 2009.
Update for May 6, 2009: The Aboriginal Healing Foundation (AHF) was established in 1998 to provide programs and services that address the experiences of survivors of Indian Residential Schools, their families and communities. The Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement will provide $125 million over five years to the AHF to continue their work in supporting about 144 healing programs for former students across Canada. <This link is no longer valid.> The next status update will be available on May 13, 2009.
Update for April 30, 2009: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has provided updated statistics regarding the processing of Common Experience Payment applications. Click here to view the information. The next status update will be available on May 6, 2009.
Update for April 29, 2009: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed: Total number of claims received as of April 19, 2009: 10,706 Total Compensation as of April 19, 2009: $134,470,924 The 2008 Annual Report has also been posted which includes a statement from Chief Adjudicator Daniel Ish, full statistics and details on case management. The update can be viewed at http://www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on May 6, 2009.
Update for April 22, 2009: You may sign up to receive automatic updates pertaining to the Truth & Reconciliation Commission by entering your email address in the section called "Sign-up for updates" on the Truth & Reconciliation Commission website at http://www.trc-cvr.ca/index_e.html. The next status update will be available on April 29, 2009.
Update for April 15, 2009: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) web site has created a new page linking news stories that have been written regarding the TRC. The page can be viewed at http://www.trc-cvr.ca/media.html. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has posted Common Experience Payment statistics. The post includes: Total number of applications received: 97,371 Total number of applications processed: 92,408
The new content can be viewed at http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ai/rqpi/cep/st/index-eng.asp. The next status update will be available on April 22, 2009.
Update for April 8, 2009: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has posted several links and phone numbers for anyone participating in truth and reconciliation initiatives. The website can be viewed at http://www.trc-cvr.ca/links.html. The next status update will be available on April 15, 2009.
Update for April 1, 2009: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed: Total number of claims received as of March 15, 2009: 10,259 Total Compensation as of March 15, 2009: $106,783,585 The update can be viewed at http://www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on April 8, 2009.
Update for March 25, 2009: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) web site has been revamped to use a brand-new layout and user-friendly menu. The TRC has also posted an update describing their mandate for the upcoming months including staffing changes, budget requirements and frameworks for national and community events. The new content can be viewed at http://www.trc-cvr.ca. The next status update will be available on April 1, 2009.
Update for March 18, 2009: There are no updates regarding either the IAP or CEP. Please return to this site on a regular basis to stay up-to-date on information regarding your claim. The next status update will be available on March 25, 2009.
Update for March 11, 2009: The list of schools requested to be added to the list of approved Indian Residential Settlement institutions has been updated and can be viewed at http://www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca/Decisions.pdf. Please note that you may submit your own request for an institution to be added even if a decision has already been made with respect to that institution as each request is reviewed independently. If you have already requested that an institution be added and have received a decision letter regarding that request, you may appeal that decision by contacting the Residential School Information Line at 1-866-879-4913. The next status update will be available on March 18, 2009.
Update for March 4, 2009: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is now accepting applications for the positions of Chairman and two Commissioners. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission will provide leadership to the Commission in fulfilling its Mandate under Schedule N of the IRSSA. At least one of the three members should be Aboriginal. Job descriptions and instructions on how to apply can be found at http://www.trc-cvr.ca/applications/index_eng.html. The next status update will be available on March 11, 2009.
Update for February 25th, 2009: The List of Decisions regarding the schools that have been suggested has been updated. To view the list, please click here. The next status update will be available on March 4th, 2009.
Update for February 19, 2009: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has posted updated statistics including details such as the amount of claims received and total compensation distributed: Total number of claims received as of January 11, 2009: 9835 Total Compensation as of January 11, 2009: $98,548,974 The update can be viewed at http://www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on February 25, 2009.
Update for February 11, 2009: The Honourable Frank Iacobucci, Facilitator for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has posted an update outlining the selection process for a new Chair and Commissioners, following the resignations of Chair Mr. Justice Harry LaForme and Commissioners Jane Morley and Claudette Dumont-Smith. The Selection Committee will consist of Phil Fontaine, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, Mary Simon, President of the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Michael Werwick, Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs, James Scott on behalf of The United Church of Canada, Pierre Baribeau on behalf of the Catholic entities, and Len Marchand on behalf of the Indian Residential School claimants, with Iacobucci serving as Chair. The posting in its entirety can be viewed at http://www.trc-cvr.ca. The next status update will be available on February 18, 2009.
Update for February 4, 2009: The Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, has announced plans on the appointment of a new Chair and Commissioners for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). The press release in its entirety can be viewed at http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ai/mr/nr/j-a2009/nr000000173-eng.asp. The joint statement by TRC Commissioners Claudette Dumont-Smith and Jane Morley announcing their resignation effective June 1, 2009 can be viewed at http://www.trc-cvr.ca. The next status update will be available on February 11, 2009.
Update for January 28, 2009: Former students who settled their Indian residential schools abuse claims in the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process after May 30, 2005 may be eligible to apply to re-open in the Independent Assessment Process (IAP). For more information, please visit http://www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on February 4, 2009.
Update for January 21, 2009: A National Indian Residential School Crisis Line has been set up to provide support for former Residential School students. You can access emotional and crisis referral services. You can also get information on how to get other health support from the Government of Canada. Please call the Crisis Line at 1-866-925-4419 if you or someone you know requires assistance. The line is open 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. The next status update will be available on January 28, 2009.
Update for January 7, 2009: The Independent Assessment Process web site has posted several new items of interest to claimants, including an option of applying to the IAP process as a group, and newly updated statistics regarding the number of claims processed and total funds reimbursed to former students. This information can be viewed at http://www.iap-pei.ca/index-eng.asp. The next status update will be available on January 21, 2009.
Update for December 17, 2008: A new application form for victims of Student-on-Student sexual abuse has been published to the Independent Assessment Process website. <This document link is no longer available.> It is understood that reliving these past experiences may cause applicants to ‘trigger’ (suffer trauma caused by remembering or reliving past abuse). Should you experience a trigger, the IRS Crisis Line is available 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week at 1-866-925-4419. The next status update will be available on December 24, 2008.
Update for December 10, 2008: Justice Frank Iacobucci, acting facilitator for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, has posted an update regarding the selection process for a new head Chair of the commission. The full news post can be viewed at http://www.trc-cvr.ca. The next status update will be available on December 17, 2008.
Update for December 3, 2008: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has postponed the first national event scheduled for January in Vancouver. Once a new national chair has been appointed the event will be rescheduled. The next status update will be available on December 10, 2008.
Update for November 26, 2008: Government offices will be closed for the holidays on December 25th, December 26th, and January 1st. The following Help Desks will be available seven days-a-week, including holidays, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time: Residential School Information Line: 1-866-879-4913 CEP Response Line: 1-866-565-4526 Information Line: 1-866-879-4914 NAC Information Line: 1-866-879-4916 The next status update will be available on December 3, 2008.
Update for November 19, 2008: Canada Post administrative employees went on strike on November 17, 2008. Canada Post spokesmen have assured the public that this will not impact regular mail delivery. The next status update will be available on November 26, 2008.
Update for November 12, 2008: The CEP Response Centre is open from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 7-days a week including holidays. Currently, the peak call volume is between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. For immediate service, you may wish to call the CEP Response Centre outside that time period. The next status update will be available on November 19, 2008.
Update for November 5, 2008: The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has created a new pamphlet explaining the Independent Assessment Process. These pamphlets will be distributed with all claim form packages and answer important questions regarding eligibility, schools covered by the settlement, and hiring a lawyer. More information and the application form can be viewed by visiting http://www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on November 12, 2008.
Update for October 29, 2008: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) has announced the date of their first national event, which will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, in January 2009. Also included is a status update regarding the selection of the IRS Survivor Committee and information on how to contribute to the TRC. Please visit http://www.trc-cvr.ca. The next status update will be available on November 5, 2008.
Update for October 22, 2008: An updated IAP claim form and guide have been posted on the Claim Forms page of the Official Court Website at http://www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca/claim_forms.html. If you have already submitted a claim using the previous claim form that is still acceptable. The next status update will be available on October 29, 2008.
Update for October 15, 2008: Indian Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) has created a web site containing useful links for Aboriginal Canadians, including support groups, churches, and government services. <This link is no longer valid.> The next status update will be available on October 22, 2008.
Update for October 8, 2008: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has its own website. To view the contents of this website, please visit www.trc-cvr.ca. The next status update will be available on October 15, 2008.
Update for October 1, 2008: The National Administration Committee has posted a clarification of their operating procedure on the NAC blog regarding their activities prior to September 22nd. To assist in creating an environment of understanding, you are invited to review the updates posted to the NAC blog. The website address for the NAC blog is http://www.classactionservices.ca/wordpress/.The next status update will be available on October 8, 2008.
Update for September 25, 2008: This update pertains to the Independent Assessment Process specifically: Mr. Daniel Ish, Chief Adjudicator of the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat, is pleased to announce the launch of the official website on the Independent Assessment Process (IAP). They invite you to come and visit their new website at http://www.iap-pei.ca. The next status update will be available on October 1, 2008.
Update for September 10, 2008: This update pertains to the Independent Assessment Process specifically: Mandatory Documents: If an Independent Assessment Process (IAP) Application has been admitted, certain Mandatory Documents are required to support the claim. Please click here to view the Documents Checklist. Mandatory Documents are to be submitted to: Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariate - IAP PO Box 1575, Station "B" Ottawa, ON K1P 0A9 OR by email to - IAPS_DocumentManagement@irsad-sapi.gc.ca The next status update will be available on September 17th, 2008.
Update for September 3, 2008: The Indian Residential Schools (IRS) Resolution Health Support Program provides eligible former students and their families with access to emotional health and wellness support services. The IRS Resolution Health Support Programme provides the following services: * Professional counselling; * Emotional Support provided by Resolution Health Support Workers; * Cultural Support provided by Elders; and * Assistance with cost of transportation. Eligibility: All former students and their families (regardless of status or place of residence) who are: * Eligible to receive or who are currently receiving the Common Experience Payment (CEP); * Resolving a claim through the Independent Assessment Process, Alternative Dispute Resolution or court process; or * Participating in Truth and Reconciliation or Commemoration events. Accessing Services: To Access Counselling, Emotional Support, Cultural Support, and/or Transportation services please contact the Regional Coordinator for the IRS Resolution Health Support Programme located in your province/territory. For more information, please click on the following link: www.healthcanada.gc.ca/irs or call one of the following telephone numbers: Nova Scotia, PEI, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador - 1-866-414-8111 Québec - 1-877-583-2965 Ontario - 1-888-301-6426 Manitoba - 1-866-818-3505 Saskatchewan - 1-866-250-1529 Alberta - 1-888-495-6588 British Columbia - 1-877-477-0775 Yukon - 1-800-464-8106 Northwest Territories and Nunavut - 1-866-509-1769 The next status update will be available on September 10th, 2008.
Update for August 6, 2008: If you have questions about the settlement, there are several information lines that you may call for assistance including: The Residential School Information Line at 1-866-879-4913: This line answers questions about the Independent Assessment Process, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, School Suggestions, and sends out copies of the Common Experience Payment and Independent Assessment Process application forms upon request. The CEP Response Line at 1-866-565-4526: This line answers questions about the status of Common Experience Payment (CEP) Application forms already submitted and records requests for Reconsideration of CEP applications. The Information Line at 1-866-879-4914: This line provides a new automated message about the Settlement on a weekly/bi-weekly basis. The NAC Information Line at 1-866-879-4916: This line answers questions about the Common Experience Payment appeals process and provides status updates regarding applications that have already been submitted for appeal. Each of the above lines is available seven days per week including holidays from 8 a.m. Eastern Standard Time to 11:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The next status update will be available on August 20th, 2008.
Update for July 23, 2008: Common Experience Payment Statistics as of July 14, 2008: Total number of applications received: : 94,230 The next status update will be available on July 30, 2008.
Update for July 9, 2008: The Advocacy and Public Information Program is managed by the Resolution Sector. This program exists to encourage openness and the sharing of diverse viewpoints on a range of issues related to the National Resolution Framework policies and programs. It also ensures that the Aboriginal community, particularly former students and their families, are aware of all available programs and, at the same time, that the best strategic policy decisions are made. <This link is no longer available.> The next status update will be available on July 23, 2008.
Update for July 2, 2008: The Indian Residential Schools (IRS) Resolution Health Support Program provides emotional health and wellness support to former IRS students and their families, regardless of status and place of residence, who are eligible for the Common Experience Payment (CEP) and/or resolving an IRS claim through the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process, Independent Assessment Process (IAP) or litigation. For information on how to access the Health Support benefits under the Settlement please click here. The next status update will be available on July 9th, 2008.
Update for June 25th, 2008: The mandate of the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat is to implement and administer the IAP under the direction of the Chief Adjudicator in an independent, objective and impartial manner. For more information, please click here. The next status update will be available on July 2, 2008.
Update for June 11th, 2008:
On Wednesday June 11, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time), the Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, made a Statement of Apology to former students of Indian Residential Schools, on behalf of the Government of Canada. Please click here for further details. The next status update will be available on June 25th, 2008.
Update for June 5th, 2008
As of June 3, 2008, Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada, or IRSRC, is to be referred to as the Indian Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) – Resolution Sector. For more information about the Resolution Sector, please click here. The next status update will be available on June 11th, 2008.
Update for June 4th, 2008: The List of Decisions regarding the schools that have been suggested has been updated. To view the list, please click here. The next status update will be available on June 11th, 2008.
Update for May 28th, 2008:
Update for May 14th, 2008: Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada has issued a News Release pertaining to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Please click here to view the document. The next status update will be available on May 21st, 2008.
Update for May 7th, 2008:
In order for an institution to be added to the settlement, Article 12 of the Settlement Agreement requires that the institution satisfies both parts of the following two-part test:
The test focuses on the residential component of the institution. The institution must have a residence, and Canada must have been jointly or solely responsible for the operation of that residence. If you would like to view the list of decisions on schools that have already been suggested, please click here. If you would like to suggest a school be added to the settlement, please call 1-866-879-4913. The next status update will be available on May 14th, 2008.
Update for April 30, 2008: The Government of Canada issued a news release regarding the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Please click here to view the announcement. The next status update will be available on May 7th, 2008.
Update for April 23, 2008: A new link has been placed on the website called CEP Appeals. You may click on this link to access the CEP Appeal to the NAC form. Question/Answer 22 on the IRSRC website at http://www.irsr-rqpi.gc.ca/faq-eng.asp#RECON provides information about who the NAC are. Questions/Answers 29 through 32 on the IRSRC provide answers to frequently asked questions about the CEP Appeal process. The next status update will be available on April 30th, 2008.
Update for April 9th, 2008: There is no new information to report since our last update. The next status update will be available on April 16th, 2008.
Update for April 1, 2008: Answers to frequently asked questions about the settlement and its processes may be found on the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada website. Please click here to view the page. The next status update will be available on April 8th, 2008.
Update for March 26th, 2008: There is no new information to report since our last update. The next status update will be available on April 1st, 2008.
Update for March 16th, 2008: The List of Decisions regarding the schools that have been suggested has been updated. The updated list will be available to view on March 17, 2008 by the end of the business day. To view the list, please click here . The next status update will be available on March 26th, 2008.
Update for March 5th, 2008: New information about the reconsideration process can be found on the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada website. To view this information, please click here. The next status update will be available on March 12th, 2008.
Update for February 27th, 2008: Once a Common Experience Payment (CEP) application is processed, applicants receive a detailed letter explaining their assessment and how to proceed if they are not satisfied with the Government's decision. This is an opportunity for former students to have their application reconsidered. This reconsideration process will begin in February 2008. If after an applicant’s CEP application is reconsidered, he or she does not agree with the reconsideration decision, an appeal process is available. Click here for the reconsideration form. You may initiate the reconsideration process by: Mail: Common Experience Payment Response Centre,
P.O. Box 5260,
Nepean LCD Merivale,
Ottawa, ON K2C 3H5 The next status update will be available on March 5th, 2008.
Update for February 20th, 2008: The List of Decisions regarding the schools that have been suggested has been updated. The updated list will be available to view on February 22, 2008 by the end of the business day. To view the list, please click here . The next status update will be available on February 27th, 2008.
Update for February 13, 2008: There is no new information to report since our last update. The next status update will be available on February 20th, 2008.
Update for January 30th, 2008: Information pertaining to the Common Experience Payment Reconsideration Process can be found on the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada website. Please click here to visit the site. Please check the website periodically as updates regarding the Reconsideration Process will be posted there as they become available. The next status update will be available on February 13th 2008.
Update for January 23, 2008: The List of Decisions regarding the schools that have been suggested has been updated. To view the list, please click here . The next status update will be available on January 30th, 2008.
Update for January 9th, 2008:
Update for December 19th, 2007: The Residential Schools Information Line at 1-866-879-4913 will maintain normal service hours between December 24th, 2007 and January 5th, 2008. Live agents are available between 8 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. EST 7 days a week. The next status update will be available on January 9th, 2008.
Update for December 12th, 2007: Information pertaining to the Truth and Reconciliation Fund is now available by clicking on the Truth and Reconciliation button in the link’s list at the bottom of each page. To view the information now, please click here. The next status update will be available on December 19th, 2007.
Update for December 4th, 2007: Information Advisory
Former students applying for the CEP present unique personal histories and sets of school experiences and a number of factors can influence how quickly the government can process an application. The Government is fully committed to continuing to process applications as quickly and efficiently as possible. |
Update for November 21st, 2007: Decisions regarding schools that were suggested prior to September 19th, 2007 will be posted on the website tomorrow (November 22nd). Please click on the link on the Main page to view the list of decisions. The next status update will be available on December 5th, 2007.
Update for November 14th, 2007: If you have questions about your Common Experience Payment (CEP) Application, please contact Service Canada at 1-866-699-1742 or visit your local Service Canada office. A list of offices can be found on the Service Canada website at www.servicecanada.ca. The Government of Canada is working hard to expedite the processing of your CEP application in a timely manner. Immediate steps include an increase in the number of processing staff and an increase in the number of agents available to answer your call when you contact the toll-free number listed above. The Government understands that applicants have been waiting a long time for payments and they appreciate your patience. The next status update will be available on November 21st, 2007.
Update for November 7th, 2007: There are no new updates since our last report.
Update for November 2nd, 2007: Please click here to view an information advisory in regard to the processing of Common Experience Payment (CEP) applications. The next status update will be available on November 7th, 2007.
Update for October 31st, 2007: The Independent Assessment Process (IAP) Intake Centre has received a lot of applications and they are working through them as quickly as possible. If you submitted an IAP application and have not yet received a letter of Acknowledgement, do not worry because you should receive your Acknowledgement letter shortly.
The next status update will be available on November 7, 2007.
Update for October 17th, 2007: There are no new updates since our last report. The next status update will be October 31st, 2007.
Update for October 10th, 2007: The list of approved schools on the website at www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca will be updated approximately 60 days after the Implementation date of September 19th, 2007 for any school requests received before to September 19th, 2007. Requests received on or after September 19th, 2007 will be reviewed in the order they are received. You will be contacted once your request has been reviewed. If you wish to review the list of schools that have already been suggested, you may visit the website at http://www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca/Updated%20List%20of%20Schools-07-30-2009-English.pdf. You may request that a school be added to the list by contacting the Administrator at 1-866-879-4913, by submitting your request via the website, or by sending your request by mail to the Administrator at Residential Schools Settlement, Suite 3-505, 133 Weber Street North, Waterloo, ON N2J 3G9. The next status update will be available on October 17th, 2007.
Update for October 3rd, 2007: There are no new updates since our last report. The next status update will be available on October 10th, 2007.
Update for September 26th, 2007: You may get a Common Experience Payment Claim form by visiting one of the following websites or by calling one of the numbers listed below: http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/en/goc/cep/apply.shtml 1-866-699-1742 (TTY 1-800-926-9105) The next status update will be available October 3rd, 2007.
Common Experience Payment ("CEP") claim forms are currently being sent to any former student who is in the Notice Administrator's database. If you received a notice package in the mail previously, a CEP claim form package will be sent to you by mail shortly. You may also obtain a copy of the CEP claim form on-line by visiting the Service Canada website at http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/en/goc/cep/apply.shtml or the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada (IRSRC) website at www.irsr-rqpi.gc.ca or at www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca. Questions pertaining to the CEP should be directed to Services Canada at 1-866-699-1742. IRSRC has also issued a news release dated September 19th, 2007. To view this announcement, please click here: http://www.irsr-rqpi.gc.ca/english/documents/Implementation%20Date%20%20News%20Release%20-%20ENG%20FINAL.pdf
There is nothing new to report since the last update. The next status update will be available September 19th, 2007.
Update for September 5th, 2007: The Opt Out deadline was August 20th, 2007. CEP claim forms will be sent automatically by mail after September 19th, 2007 to those former students in the Notice Administrator's database who have chosen to stay in the settlement. If you have changed your address recently, please contact the Notice Administrator to provide your updated address. The next status update will be available September 12th, 2007.
Update for August 29th, 2007: Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada has provided the following information in regard to the premature release of the draft copy of the CEP application form. <<Q+A - Unofficial CEP APPLICATION FORMS.pdf>>
Update for August 23rd, 2007: The following notice was issued today in regard to the premature release of a draft common experience payment application form: Indian Residential School Settlement Service Canada Cannot Accept Forms Until SEPTEMBER 19, 2007 Recently, draft common experience payment application forms were circulated to some former students who resided at recognized Indian Residential Schools. Please be aware that the form was a DRAFT, and those forms SHOULD NOT be mailed or submitted to Service Canada offices at this time. Do not send any original identification documents either. Under the Settlement Agreement applications cannot be accepted by Service Canada until September 19, 2007. All those former students who requested an application during the recent notification program will receive the final forms in the mail automatically as soon as they are ready. To request a form call 1-866-879-4913. They will also be available on the website at www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca. The next status update will be available on August 29th, 2007.
Update for August 15th, 2007: You may be curious as to what happens after the Opt Out deadline passes. The settlement indicates that if less than 5,000 eligible CEP recipients Opt Out then the claims process may begin. If, however, 5,000 or more eligible CEP recipients Opt Out then Canada may cancel the settlement in its entirety. If the claims process commences after the Opt Out period ends, those persons who are listed in the Notice Administrator's database will automatically receive a claim form in the mail sometime after September 19th, 2007. Please check back next week for more information. The next status update will be available on August 22nd, 2007.
Update for August 8th, 2007: This update is only for persons who have residential schools litigation going on in Quebec. If you want to get benefits from the settlement, then you must stop your lawsuit before August 20th, 2007 or else you will be automatically removed from this settlement and you won't get any payment from this settlement. Please check with your lawyer right away as the Notice Administer cannot provide legal advice. The next status update will be available on August 15th, 2007.
Update for August 1st, 2007: The Opt Out deadline is August 20th, 2007. To remove yourself from the settlement, you must send in an Opt Out Form. You may obtain an Opt Out form by calling 1-866-879-4913 or by visiting the website at www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca. An Opt Out form was also enclosed in the Residential Schools Settlement Notice Update package, which you may have received by mail or at a community Outreach meeting. You must mail your Opt Out Form postmarked by August 20th, 2007 to Residential Schools Opt Outs, Suite 3-505, 133 Weber St North in Waterloo, ON N2J 3G9. If you Opt Out, that means you will not get any settlement payment - no CEP and no IAP money. You will not be bound by anything that happens in this settlement. Your only option will be to sue the Government or the Churches on your own. You may want to check with a lawyer before deciding to Opt Out because the Notice Administrator cannot provide legal advice. The next status update will be available on August 8th, 2007.
Update for July 25th, 2007: Only the personal representative of a deceased eligible CEP recipient may apply for the Common Experience Payment on behalf of the former student who died. The personal representative may apply on behalf of the deceased eligible CEP recipient if the former student died on or after May 30, 2005 or on or after October 5, 1996 if the deceased attended Mohawk. You may wish to consult legal counsel on the definition of a personal representative. The next update will be August 1, 2007.
Update for July 18th, 2007: Detailed answers to frequently asked questions about the school records verification process may be found on the IRSRC website at http://www.irsr-rqpi.gc.ca/english/qa_irsr.html. The next update will be available on July 25th, 2007.
Update for July 11th, 2007: The list of suggested schools to be added to the list of recognized schools may be found at http://www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca/Updated%20List%20of%20Schools-07-30-2009-English.pdf. The schools and hostels listed on that page are currently under review and have not yet been approved to be part of the settlement. The list of recognized schools will not be updated until after the Implementation Date which is approximately 30 days after the Opt Out period ends on August 20th, 2007.
Update for July 4th, 2007: There is no new information to report since our last update.
Update for June 27th, 2007: There is no new information to report since our last update.
Update for June 20th, 2007: There is no new information to report since our last update.
Update for June 13th, 2007: There is no new information to report since our last update.
Update for June 6th, 2007: You may have received correspondence recently from Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada (IRSRC) advising you that IRSRC was unable to confirm your residence at a residential school. Please don't worry, you can still send in a claim form because IRSRC is continually finding new sources for school records verification. If for whatever reason, IRSRC cannot verify your school attendance, there will be an appeals process in place. Further, you may have heard that there will be an advance payment for the terminally ill. The Notice Administrator has not heard that this is the case. No payments in regard to this settlement will be issued until 30 days after the Opt Out periods ends on August 20th, 2007. The next update will be available on June 13th, 2007.
Update for May 30th, 2007: Please be aware that there are reports of advertisers who wish to capitalize on the settlement by "paying" former students now, in return for their settlement payments when they are eventually issued. Be wary of these offers, as they usually are accompanied by "fine print" requiring large percentages of the settlement payments. You do not need to pay anyone to obtain a CEP payment. By registering now at 1-866-879-4913, or by submitting your name and address now at www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca, or by providing your name and address now to an official community outreach worker authorized by the Court's Notice Plan (e.g. AFN, APC, IRC, Makivik, Métis National Council, NTI and others) you will receive a claim form for no cost when the forms are ready approximately 30 days after August 20, 2007. Fill it out when it arrives and mail it in. The next update will be available on June 6th, 2007.
Update for May 23rd, 2007: There is no new information to report since our last update.
Update for May 16th, 2007: Please note that CEP and IAP claim form packages will not be available until after the Opt Out deadline ends on August 20th, 2007. If you have requested a claim form be sent to you either through the website, by telephone request, or by a written request, you will not receive confirmation of your request from the Notice Administrator at this time, but you will receive a claim form package automatically when they become available after the Opt Out deadline. This is likely to be approximately 30 days after August 20, 2007. The next status update will be available on May 23rd, 2007.
Update for May 9th, 2007: You may be concerned about what happens if you do not have any records to verify your attendance at residential school. Do not worry. When you get the claim form, fill it out and send it back. The Government will use all of the school records it has to verify your claim. If more information is needed, you may be contacted. The next status update will be available on May 16th, 2007.
Update for May 2nd, 2007: Detailed notice packages providing answers to frequently asked questions about the settlement were mailed to everyone in the Notice Administrator's database on April 26, 2007. It may take a couple of weeks for you to receive your package depending upon mail delivery. If you have not received a package by the end of May 2007, please contact the Notice Administrator to request one. Claim forms will be sent out separately after the Opt Out period ends on August 20th, 2007. Claim forms will be sent automatically to everyone who receives a detailed notice package by mail. The next update will be available on May 9th, 2007.
Update for April 25th, 2007: There is no new information to report since our last update.
Update for April 18th, 2007: Over the next few weeks, you may receive a phone call from the Notice Administrator’s automated calling system. The message indicates that the Notice Administrator will be sending you a detailed notice automatically within the next few weeks. The notice will explain how to request a payment or to remove yourself from the settlement. You will also receive a claim form automatically when they are available. You do not need to call the Notice Administrator back after hearing the automated message. The message is for information purposes only. If you do not receive the automated message within the next few weeks, you may contact the Notice Administrator to register to receive a notice and a claim form when they are available. The next update will be available on April 25, 2007.
Update for April 11th, 2007: If you are a former student and you received a Detailed Notice in the mail during Phase I, then a new Detailed Notice will be sent to you within the next few weeks. You do not have to do anything now. A claim form will also be mailed to you after August 20th, 2007. When the claim form arrives, fill it out and send it back. After you return your completed claim form, it will be processed promptly, and if you are eligible a payment will be issued. The next update will be available on April 18th, 2007.
Update for April 4th, 2007: The signed Court Orders from the March 22nd, 2007 approval hearing have been posted on the website at www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca. Please click here to view the documents. The next update will be available on April 11th, 2007. Update for April 2nd, 2007: Canada issued a press release on March 29th, 2007 on the news wire to inform people that the Residential Schools Settlement had been approved. Please click here to view a copy of the press release. The next status update will be available on April 4th, 2007.
Update for March 28th, 2007: There is no new information to report since our last update.
Update for March 23rd, 2007: The residential schools settlement was approved by all nine courts, and Canada's Motion regarding the lifting of the Stay Order was granted at the March 22nd, 2007 hearing. If you previously received a notice by mail, a new notice explaining how to request a payment will be sent to you within the next few weeks. You do not need to do anything now. To view a copy of the notice that will be sent please click here. The Notice Administrator has no further information to provide about the claims process at this time. If you require information regarding the opt out process or if you wish to have an opt out form sent to you, please call 1-866-879-4913. Please continue to visit the Updates page or call the information line at 1-866-879-4914 for status updates. The next update will be available on Wednesday March 28th, 2007.
Update for March 21st, 2007: Canada's appeal and the Merchant Law Group's Cross Appeal of Justice Ball's Court of Queen's Bench (Saskatchewan) decision relating to the Merchant Law Group's fees will be heard before the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal on March 22nd, 2007. Canada's Motion regarding the lifting of the Stay Order regarding this matter will also be heard at this hearing. A status update regarding the outcome of the hearing will be posted on Friday March 23rd, 2007.
Update for March 14th, 2007: The settlement has yet to receive full and final approval from all nine courts. Canada's appeal and the Merchant Law Group's Cross Appeal of Justice Ball's Court of Queen's Bench (Saskatchewan) decision relating to the Merchant Law Group’s fees will be heard before the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal on March 22nd, 2007. Canada's Motion regarding the lifting of the Stay Order regarding this matter will also be heard at this hearing. The Notice Administrator does not possess any information on the outcome of these hearings nor the affect on the progress of the settlement. The next update will be posted on March 21st, 2007.
Update for March 8th, 2007: If the settlement is approved by all nine courts on March 8th, a notice explaining how to request a payment or to opt out will be made available in a few weeks. You do not need to do anything until after the notice is available. The Notice Administrator has no further information to provide at this time. Please continue to monitor the website at www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca for further updates or you may call the information line at 1-866-879-4914 for a telephone recorded message. The next update will be available on Wednesday March 14th, 2007. For previous status updates, please visit the website at www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca.
Update for February 28th, 2007: There is no new information to report since our last update. The next update will be posted March 7th, 2007. Update for February 21st, 2007: The Notice Administrator is still awaiting full and final approval of the settlement from the court. We do not know how long this process might take. When and if full and final approval is received from all nine courts, new information regarding the claims process will be posted on this website. The next update will be posted February 28th, 2007. Update for February 14th, 2007: There is no new information to report since our last update. The next update will be posted February 21st, 2007. Update for February 7th, 2007: There is no new information to report since our last update. The next update will be posted February 14th, 2007. Update for January 31, 2007: <This press release link is no longer available.> AFN press release link: http://www.afn.ca/article.asp?id=3271 The next update will be posted February 7th, 2007.
Update for January 24, 2007: Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada has received a large volume of requests for personal information regarding school attendance. They are processing the requests as quickly as possible. Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada will respond to each applicant in writing when his or her request has been dealt with. The next update will be posted January 31st, 2007. |
Update for January 19, 2007: Update: Advance Payment for the Elderly: Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada is committed to resolving the legacy of Indian Residential Schools in a manner that recognizes the experience of former students. Every effort is being made to obtain additional school records. The Advance Payment program ended on December 31, 2006, but if IRSRC finds new school records before March 1, 2007 that serve to confirm your residence, they may still be able to issue an advance payment for you by March 31, 2007. Should you have further questions about the Advance Payment Program, please call Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada at 1-800-816-7293. |
Update for January 15, 2007: All nine Courts have issued their judgments regarding the settlement. Some courts have issued conditional approvals which means that the Government has a further sixty days from the date of the judgment to address certain issues identified by the court. The claims process cannot begin until all nine courts issue full and final approval of the settlement. Further, Canada has launched an appeal of Justice Ball's, Court of Queen's Bench ( Saskatchewan) decision relating to the Merchant Law Groups' fees. Court judgments and a copy of the appeal are posted on the official court website at For status updates regarding the settlement, please visit www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca |
Update for October 29, 2014:
The deadline for submitting Acknowledgement forms is postmarked no later than 11:59:59 p.m. in your time zone on October 31, 2014. Acknowledgement forms may be returned to the Administrator:
By mail postmarked no later than October 31, 2014 to: Personal Credits Administrator, Suite 3 – 505, 133 Weber St N Waterloo, ON N2J 3G9
By fax with a transmission date of no later than 11:59:59 p.m. on October 31, 2014 in your time zone to: Facsimile: 1-888-842-1332 Please be aware that the peak time for the highest volume of fax transmissions is between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time. If on October 31, 2014, you experience technical difficulties with successfully transmitting your Acknowledgement form to the Administrator, you must retain a paper copy of all transmission attempts made on October 31, 2014 and submit with your successful transmission.
By email with an email transmission date of no later than 11:59:59 p.m. on October 31, 2014 in your time zone to: Email: IRSPersonalCredits@crawco.ca You must retain the reply email that confirms receipt of your email transmission.
The next status update will be available on November 5, 2014. |
Summary Notice
Detailed Notice
Settlement Agreement
Court Documents
List of Residential Schools
Lawyer Referral Service Information
CEP and IAP Claim Forms
CEP Reconsideration Form
CEP NAC Appeal Form
CEP Court Appeal Form
Stirland Lake & Cristal Lake Notice
Mistassini Notice
Kivalliq Hall Notice
Kivalliq Hall - Personal Credits Notice
Independent Assessment Process
Truth and Reconciliation
National Administration Committee (NAC)